Research on Haze Indentification in Beijing Based on NOAA/AVHRR Satellite Data
(Beijing Municipal Climate Centre, Beijing 100089)
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投稿时间:2013-01-18    修订日期:2013-01-21
中文摘要: 利用2008-2013年NOAA/AVHRR1B卫星资料和气象观测资料,应用米氏散射理论、图像色彩处理技术、频数分布图和可见光通道表观反射率阈值技术,开展了北京地区霾的遥感识别研究,并在京津冀地区进行了应用。研究结果表明:易于识别的霾在NOAA/AVHRR遥感图像上一般以1、2、1波段或4、2、1波段进行红、绿、蓝三通道假彩色合成,图像颜色以灰色、紫色和蓝色三大系列为主;一般仅靠遥感图像难以识别霾与轻雾,但借助先验知识、周围环境和图像色彩,可在一定程度上区分霾与轻雾; NOAA/AVHRR图像的第一波段表观反射率作为光谱指标可以对霾进行较好识别,反射率识别指标值分别为:冬季0.15~0.32,春季0.15~0.30,夏季0.14~0.30,秋季0.14~0.32;指标对霾的有效识别准确率为82%。利用上述建立的颜色指标和光谱指标可以较好地对2013年1—3月发生在京津冀地区的雾霾进行有效监测。
Abstract:Using 2008-2013 NOAA/AVHRR 1B satellite data and weather observation data, preliminary research of haze indentification is carried out by digitizing image color processing technology, frequency distribution figure of apparent reflectance and technology of apparent reflectance threshold of visible light channel. And the distinguish indices were applied in haze monitoring of Beijing and surrounding area. The results show that haze is easily distinguished by the color composition of red, green and blue channels with NOAA/AVHRR bands 1, 2, 1 or bands 4, 2, 1 pattern and the colors of remote sensing images are mainly grey, purple and blue. Generally, it is difficult to distinguish haze from mist only by remote sensing images, but with the help of prior knowledge, surrounding environment information and image color, haze can be identified. Apparent reflectance of the first channel of NOAA/AVHRR 1B can be used as spectral index of haze identification. The apparent reflectance values for haze identification in winter, spring, summer, autumn are 0.15-0.32, 0.15-0.30, 0.14-0.30, 0.14-0.32, respectively. And the verification analysis shows that accuracy of haze identification using these spectral indices is 82%. The color indices and reflectance indices are effectively applied in haze monitoring over Beijing and surrounding area from January to March 2013.
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LIU Yonghong,2014.Research on Haze Indentification in Beijing Based on NOAA/AVHRR Satellite Data[J].Meteor Mon,40(5):619-627.