(山东省气象台,济南 250031)
Doppler Radar Product Features and Warning of Non Supercell Tornadic Storms
(Shandong Meteorological Observatory, Jinan 250031)
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投稿时间:2013-02-18    修订日期:2013-09-04
中文摘要: 利用济南和烟台多普勒天气雷达资料,结合环境物理量和天气实况,对发生在山东境内的6个非超级单体龙卷风暴特征进行了分析。6个非超级单体龙卷风暴产生于5次天气过程,其中4次过程属于后倾槽结构,1次是西北气流结构。6个非超级单体龙卷中EF0级龙卷2次,EF1级龙卷3次,EF2级龙卷1次。综合分析结果表明,低层大的湿度和0~1 km垂直风切变≥7 m·s-1是非超级单体龙卷发生的有利条件。平均径向速度产品上,方位上相邻距离库之间速度差值超过20 m·s-1,或者,相对风暴平均径向速度产品上,方位上相邻距离库之间速度差值超过15 m·s-1,可预警龙卷。6次龙卷有4次发生在风暴单体迅猛发展的阶段,风暴顶在1个体扫时间内迅速增高。风暴单体迅猛发展需要强上升气流配合,强上升气流将低层辐合线上的小涡旋迅速拉伸,使得旋转运动进一步发展,诱发小尺度范围的强切变,从而导致龙卷发生。
Abstract:Six non supercell tornadic storms in Shandong Province were analyzed based on Doppler radar data from Jinan and Yantai in combination with environmental parameters and weather events, of which 4 tornado processes were produced in the condition of backward tilting trough and one tornado process was produced in the condition of northwest flow, and moreover 2 tornadoes were in EF0 scale, 3 in EF1 scale, and one in EF2 scale. The results showed that the environment situations are conducive for thunderstorms on 31 July 2006, 18 July 2007 and 3 August 2009. High humidity in the lower level and the 0-1 km vertical wind shear ≥7 m·s-1 play an important role in the occurrence of non supercell tornadoes. The gate to gate azimuthal shear (i.e., the gate to gate velocity difference) ≥20 m·s-1 in the 0.5° elevation angle mean radial velocity product, or the gate to gate azimuthal shear ≥15 m·s-1 in the 0.5° elevation angle storm relative mean radial velocity product can be used as a warning criteria for non supercell tornadoes. Four tornadoes form during the rapidly developing stages of thunderstorms, especially the cell tops markedly increase within 6 min. The strong updrafts that quickly build up within storms are the main incentives for the occurring of tornadoes. The rapid developing of storm needs strong updraft. The strong updrafts stretch the small vortex existing in the low level convergence line quickly, thus, the small vortex movement gets further developed, inducing small scale intense shear, and causing tornadoes to occur.
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DIAO Xiuguang,WAN Mingbo,GAO Liuxi,MENG Xiangui,2014.Doppler Radar Product Features and Warning of Non Supercell Tornadic Storms[J].Meteor Mon,40(6):668-677.