(1 南京信息工程大学,南京 210044;2 国家气象中心,北京 100081)
Study on the Optimum Irrigation Program of Winter Wheat in Baoding Based on WOFOST Model
(1 Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing 210044;2 National Meteorological Centre, Beijing 100081)
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投稿时间:2013-09-29    修订日期:2014-05-29
中文摘要: 利用WOFOST模型对保定地区冬小麦不同年型灌溉方案进行模拟分析,确定最佳灌溉量及灌溉时间,力争灌溉效益最大化,对缓解农业生产和水资源匮乏的尖锐矛盾尤显重要。文章以河北省保定市为例,应用WOFOST模型对不同降水年型的2003/2004、2005/2006和2008/2009年3个代表生长季,分别进行一次灌溉、两次灌溉、三次灌溉的不同灌溉方案进行模拟,试图揭示冬小麦产量随灌溉时间及灌溉量的变化规律, 选择最佳灌溉方案,为干旱缺水的河北省保定市小麦节水、高产提供理论依据。模拟研究结果表明:在冬小麦全生育期中最佳灌溉时期为拔节—孕穗期和抽穗—灌浆期,这两个时期的灌溉对产量的贡献率最高。与此同时,总结出了既可以满足冬小麦生长又可以获得较大经济效益的两次灌溉及三次灌溉的最佳灌溉方案。
Abstract:Under the situation of growing water shortage, determining the optimum irrigation period and the best irrigation quantity of winter wheat is an important issue that needs immediate solution in Baoding, Hebei Province. In order to determine the optimal irrigation quantity and irrigation time, this paper using WOFOST model to simulate the winter wheat in Baoding Area. In this paper the Baoding Station is selected as a representative station. During the different rainfall year types in 2003/2004, 2005/2006 and 2008/2009, the different irrigation plans and quantities are simulated, including irrigating once, twice and three times, to reveal the correlation between the yield under water stress and irrigation time. The simulation results show that optimal irrigation time in the whole winter wheat growth process is the period of booting stage and heading to filling stage. During these periods, irrigation can achieve the most obvious effect, and have the highest contribution to wheat yield. Besides, the best plan of irrigating twice and three times to meet the winter wheat growth is given out, which might help obtain greater economic benefits at the same time.
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ZHU Jinhui,GUO Jianmao,MAO Liuxi,2014.Study on the Optimum Irrigation Program of Winter Wheat in Baoding Based on WOFOST Model[J].Meteor Mon,40(11):1398-1407.