(1.宁波市气象局,宁波 315012;2.宁波市气象台,宁波 315012;3.浙江省象山县气象局,象山 315700;4.浙江省慈溪市气象局,慈溪 315300)
Characteristics and Forecasting Focus of Sea Fog in Ningbo
(1.Ningbo Meteorological Bureau of Zhejiang, Ningbo 315012;2.Ningbo Meteorological Observatory of Zhejiang, Ningbo 315012;3.Xiangshan Meteorological Office of Zhejiang, Xiangshan 315700;4.Cixi Meteorological Office of Zhejiang, Cixi 315300)
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投稿时间:2014-08-04    修订日期:2015-01-04
中文摘要: 本文用1971—2011年石浦站资料及NCEP再分析资料,统计分析宁波各种强度海雾特征和合成分析其出现的天气背景。统计表明:海雾多发生于4—6月,主要出现在23时至次日11时,其中23时至次日02时最多,11时后消散。风力在2~3级的西南或东北风有利于海雾的发生。相对湿度在90%~95%,本站气压在990~1002 hPa时,海雾发生概率随着湿度的增加及气压的减小而增加,但对于能见度≤50 m的强浓雾来说,相对湿度和本站气压范围分别为92%~95%和990~999 hPa,且强浓雾随湿度及气压的增加而增加。宁波海雾通常出现在江淮气旋、冷空气影响前和梅雨锋中低涡东移前。合成分析表明:锋面雾一般形成于系统过境前2~3 d,局地上空西南暖湿气流影响时;或静止锋南侧,局地上空风速较小,且前期有充足水汽汇聚并导致湿层增厚;平流雾形成时上空位于西南涡前部,长时间西南暖湿气流输送,形成一定厚度和范围的湿度层,在该天气背景下,下垫面的气 海温差维持在0~1.5℃左右,露点 海表温差在-0.5~0℃上下。浓雾(强浓雾)的形成需在稳定的大气层结下,长时间深厚的暖湿气流里,同时来自北方的冷海流不断注入宁波沿海。此外,雾的强度与暖平流及海表冷平流的强度有较大关系。这些对宁波海雾及其强度的预报有较好指导作用。
Abstract:Based on conventional meteorological data of Shipu Station from 1971 to 2011 and NCEP reanalysis data, characteristics of atmospheric environmental elements and weather backgrounds during the sea fog generation in Ningbo was analyzed. The results show that in most cases, the sea fog occurs in the period from April to June, mainly between 23:00 BT and the next 11:00 BT (especially from 23:00 BT to the next 02:00 BT), usually dissipating after 11:00 BT every day. The southwest and northeast winds in 2-3 grades are greatly conducive to the occurrence of sea fog. When relative humidity is 90%-95% and station pressure is 990-1002 hPa, frequency of sea fog increases with the increase of humidity and the decrease of pressure. However, when it comes to severe dense fog (visibility ≤50 m), relative humidity is 92%-95% and station pressure is 990-999 hPa, and the frequency increases with the increase of humidity and pressure. Weather systems including Jianghuai cyclone, Meiyu front and cold air can influence the occurrence and development of sea fog. Frontal fog usually occurs 2-3 days before weather system transits the area and when the upper air in the local area is influenced by southwest warm wet air. The upper air is in front of the southwest vortex when advection fog occurs. Under this condition, temperature difference between sea and air is 0-1.5℃ and -0.5-0℃ between dew point and sea underlying surfaces. Severe dense fog or dense fog occur under stable atmospheric stratification and in long standing and thick warm wet air flows, and meanwhile, cold ocean current from north continuously pours into the sea near Ningbo. Besides, sea fog intensity is related to warm advection and cold ocean current to some extent. All the above discussed perform an important role for the forecasting of sea fog and its intensity in Ningbo.
文章编号:     中图分类号:    文献标志码:
ZHOU Fu,QIAN Yanzhen,JIN Liang,SUN Junbo,2015.Characteristics and Forecasting Focus of Sea Fog in Ningbo[J].Meteor Mon,41(4):438-446.