(1.大连市气象局,大连 116001;2.空军航空大学,锦州 121000)
Preliminary Study About the Forecasting of Winter Precipitation Types in Dalian
(1.Dalian Meteorological Office of Liaoning, Dalian 116001;2.Aviation University of Air Force, Jinzhou 121000)
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投稿时间:2014-07-08    修订日期:2014-12-16
中文摘要: 应用大连本站2003—2012年冬季降水过程的地面与探空资料,提出将判断降水相态的因子分别取其过程最大值和过程最小值并归为最大类与最小类,对降水过程动态地进行研究分析。在探讨各个因子对大连本站冬季降水相态影响的过程中,应用多层平均气温的方法来进行相态研究,并与单层气温和气层厚度的方法进行了对比,综合各项因子评价结果发现:平均气温类别的因子对降水相态的区分效果要好于其他类别的因子。规定等压面平均气温,不但表现优秀而且容易计算,非常适合应用于实际预报工作。设计“逐步排除法”,利用2013年大连本站的地面和探空数据对大连冬季降水进行检验,以及使用2013年日本全球数值预报模式格点资料进行模拟预报,均取得了理想的结果。
Abstract:Using the surface and air sounding observation data of winter precipitation in Dalian from 2003 to 2012, we obtained the maximum and minimum factors which were used to judge the precipitation types and classified as “MAX class” and “MIN class” to analyse and discuss the precipitation process dynamically. During the process of discussing the factors which affect the precipitation types in winter of Dalian, the method of the mean temperature of layers was used to research the precipitation types. Comparing it with the method before, which use the temperature of single layer or the thickness of layer, we considered the evaluation results of all factors, and found using the factors which belong to the category of mean temperature are better than the factors of other categories. The mean temperature of the conventional isobaric surfaces is easy to compute, suitable for the operation of weather forecasting. In addition, we also designed a “step expel method” and use it to validate the winter precipitation types in Dalian 2013, on the basis of the surface and air sounding data of Dalian, and have obtained ideal results. Then we used the GSM grid data of Japanese mathematical forecast in 2013 to simulate the weather prediction, getting good results.
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SUI Yuxiu,YANG Jingtai,WANG Jian,ZHOU Meie,XIAO Jian,WANG Lina,BIAN Ruobin,2015.Preliminary Study About the Forecasting of Winter Precipitation Types in Dalian[J].Meteor Mon,41(4):464-473.