(1.河北省气象科学研究所,石家庄 050021 河北省气象与生态环境重点实验室,石家庄 050021;2.河北省高邑县气象局,高邑 051330)
Quantitative Evaluation Model for Cucumber Microclimate Suitability Degree of Solar Greenhouse
(1.Hebei Institute of Meteorological Sciences, Shijiazhuang 050021 Key Laboratory of Meteorological and Ecological Environment of Hebei, Shijiazhuang 050021;2.Gaoyi Meteorological Station of Hebei, Gaoyi 051330)
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投稿时间:2014-02-11    修订日期:2014-08-25
中文摘要: 为了定量评价日光温室内小气候对蔬菜生长发育的适宜程度,增加设施农业气象服务定量化服务内涵,文章根据实际观测资料并结合前人研究成果建立了日光温室内气温、空气相对湿度、接受到的太阳辐射及其综合因子对黄瓜生长发育的适宜度模型,运用黄瓜实际产量与适宜度的关系对模型进行检验,并实际应用了模型。得出黄瓜产量随综合小气候适宜度的增加而增加,两者相关显著,说明所建模型用于分析温室内小气候对黄瓜的适宜程度是可靠的。通过应用,得出日光温室内小气候对黄瓜生长发育最适宜的是5月,最不适宜的是1月;不论是气温适宜度、空气相对湿度适宜度、接受到的太阳辐射适宜度,还是三者综合小气候适宜度,在整个观测年度,其值的变化趋势均呈不规则“V”字形,春季适宜度最高,其次是秋季,冬季最低。计算结果与当地实际情况是一致的。
Abstract:To evaluate quantitatively the suitability of microclimate in greenhouse for the growth and development of vegetables and increase the connotation of facility agriculture meteorological quantitative service, this paper sets up four suitability degree models of inside air temperature, air relative humidity, solar radiation and three factors integrated microclimate in cucumber solar greenhouse are respectively based on the observation data and the results of previous studies and thus the correlation between cucumber actual yield and suitability degree of the models are verified. It is concluded that cucumber yield increases with the increase of integrated suitability degree, and they two are significant correlated. This means that the model for analyzing the suitability of microclimate for cucumber growth in greenhouse is reliable. From the application of the models it is found that the most appropriate time is May in which the microclimate in greenhouse contributes to the growth and development of cucumber well while the most unsuitable time is January. Regardless of temperature suitability, air relative humidity suitability, the received solar radiation suitability or three factors comprehensive suitability, the varying trend of its values is irregular “V” shaped during the whole observation year. The spring suitability degree is the highest, followed by the autumn, and the lowest in winter. The calculation result is in line with the local actual situation.
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WEI Ruijiang,WANG Xin,ZHU Huiqin,2015.Quantitative Evaluation Model for Cucumber Microclimate Suitability Degree of Solar Greenhouse[J].Meteor Mon,41(5):630-638.