(中国人民解放军94514部队,济南 250002)
Comparative Study on Numerical Computation of Showalter Index
(Unit 94514 of PLA, Jinan 250002)
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投稿时间:2015-01-06    修订日期:2015-06-09
中文摘要: 比较了三种假相当位温(θse)计算式的精确度,分析了θse对沙瓦特指数(SI)计算的重要影响,提出精度较高的SI计算实用方案。该方案首先利用干绝热过程中位温和比湿守恒性质迭代求解抬升凝结高度处温压变量;计算起始气块的θse;然后基于湿绝热过程假相当位温的守恒性质,采用Stackpole迭代方法计算湿绝热上升到500 hPa的气块温度,进而计算SI。研究发现,θse的误差是SI计算误差的重要来源,采用准确的θse计算方案非常重要。经计算比较,发现θse的Bolton公式和李任承公式计算精度较高,而经典的Rossby公式计算得到的θse表现为系统性偏低,偏低量随气块温湿的增加而增大。相应地,采用Bolton公式计算θse所得到的SI之精度最高,与查表值703个算例之间的平均绝对误差仅0.45℃,李任承公式效果与之接近;而传统的Rossby公式相应的平均绝对误差为0.66℃。与前人的SI算例对比表明,本方案计算精度得到进一步提高,在预报业务中具有一定实用价值。
Abstract:Three computational schemes for pseudo equivalent potential temperature (PEPT) are compared, the influences of PEPT on the computational accuracy of Showalter index (SI) are analyzed, and high accuracy computation schemes of SI are proposed. First, the air parcel temperature and pressure at the lifted condensation level are calculated on the basis of the conservation property of potential temperature and mixing ratio during dry adiabatically lifting process. Then, Bolton formula is used to calculate the initial PEPT at 850 hPa. Next, Stackpole iteration algorithm is employed to look for the air parcel temperature at 500 hPa lifted adiabatically from 850 hPa keeping PEPT conservational, and thus SI can be finally solved. It is found that the computational error of PEPT constitutes an important part of the error of SI, therefore it is quite necessary to utilize accurate formula to compute PEPT. Comparison shows that the Bolton formula and LRC formula are more precise than the conventional Rossby formula to calculate PEPT. The PEPT at 850 hPa calculated by the classic Rossby formula is systematically lower than that using the other two formulas, and the error increases with the increasing of air temperature and humidity. Consequently, the mean absolute error of SI decreases from 0.66℃ using Rossby formula to 0.45℃ using Bolton formula. In comparison with the previous studies, the computation scheme proposed in this paper shows improved accuracy, feasibility in programming, and encouraging potential in operational practices of convective weather forecasting.
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LV Xingang,ZHOU Zhiqiang,2015.Comparative Study on Numerical Computation of Showalter Index[J].Meteor Mon,41(10):1260-1267.