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投稿时间:2014-03-04 修订日期:2015-09-12
投稿时间:2014-03-04 修订日期:2015-09-12
中文摘要: 利用加拿大环境部气候研究中心研发的PMTred非均一性检验方法,以ERA interim资料作为参考序列,应用中国区域各探空台站详细的元数据信息为主要断点判断依据,对1979—2012年我国125个探空台站各标准等压面月平均探空相对湿度资料进行了非均一性检验和订正。并结合详细的元数据信息分析了造成我国探空相对湿度序列非均一问题形成的主要原因及对资料的影响程度。结果表明:仪器换型、探测系统资料整理计算方式变化以及辐射订正方法改变和探测系统升级等是造成这一时段中国区域月平均探空相对湿度资料不均一的主要原因。其中,2002年以后的L波段雷达 电子探空仪换型造成了相对湿度资料非常明显的不连续问题,这主要是由于早期59 701型探空仪穿云挂水,造成探测到的相对湿度资料明显偏湿。两个观测时次相对湿度序列不均一的台站数和断点数随高度的增加而增加。各标准等压面上月平均相对湿度序列不均一的探空台站平均订正幅度也随着高度的升高而增大,并且订正量为负值的比例在整套订正资料中所占的比例较高,说明我国的探空月平均相对湿度原始观测资料有明显高估的问题。1979—2012年以来,从全国的情况来看,订正前全国850~300 hPa 5个标准等压面全部为相对湿度降低趋势。但是订正后,850~300 hPa这5个标准等压面在1979—2012年相对湿度的变化趋势均不显著。
中文关键词: 探空资料, 相对湿度, 非均一性检验, 资料订正
Abstract:Using the PMTred method developed by the Environment Canada, ERA interim reanalysis data as reference series and the detailed metadata of each radiosonde station in China, the inhomogeneity test and corrections are carried out on the monthly relative humidity data at mandatory levels at 125 radiosonde stations in China. Combining with the detailed metadata we analyze the main causes for the inhomogeneity problem of the radiosonde relative humidity data in China. The results show that the shifts of instruments, the changes of data calculating methods and radiation correction method in sounding system and the update of sounding systems are the main reasons for the inhomogeneity in Chinese sounding relative humidity data. The earlier relative humidity data are obviously discontinuous because the 59 701 radiosonde sensors carry more water vapor when they pass through clouds. Therefore, the changes for L band radar sounding system after 2002 lead to the big discontinuous problem in our radiosonde relative humidity data. With the height increasing, both the number of the inhomogeneous stations and break points increase significantly. Also, the mean magnitude of correction increases with height and the correction values are negative at all mandatory levels, which indicates the radiosonde relative humidity data in China are systematically higher. The raw monthly mean relative humidity series of the 125 radiosonde stations in 850-300 hPa mandatory levels from 1979 to 2012 present decreasing trends. After the adjustments, the trends change to insignificant trends.
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
CHEN Zhe,YANG Su,LIU Liangke,2015.Inhomogeneity Test and Correction of China Radiosonde Relative Humidity Data from 1979 to 2012[J].Meteor Mon,41(11):1374-1382.
CHEN Zhe,YANG Su,LIU Liangke,2015.Inhomogeneity Test and Correction of China Radiosonde Relative Humidity Data from 1979 to 2012[J].Meteor Mon,41(11):1374-1382.