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(1.中国气象科学研究院,北京 100081 中国气象局北京城市气象研究所,北京 100089;2.北京市气象局,北京 100089;3.中国气象局北京城市气象研究所,北京 100089)
Spatio Temporal Evolution Characteristics of a Squall Line in Beijing Tianjin Hebei Region
(1.Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, Beijing 100081 Institute of Urban Meteorology, CMA, Beijing 100089;2.Beijing Meteorological Service, Beijing 100089;3.Institute of Urban Meteorology, CMA, Beijing 100089)
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投稿时间:2015-03-23    修订日期:2015-06-05
中文摘要: 利用常规探空资料、多普勒天气雷达资料和风廓线雷达资料对2013年3月19日夜里到20日凌晨发生在湖南中南部和广东北部的一次区域性雷暴大风天气进行了分析,发现本次强对流天气过程的天气尺度背景是北支高压脊的崩溃和南支槽的建立,槽前出现较强的低空急流和切变线并在湖南中南部和广东北部形成了上干冷下暖湿的温湿配置结构下发生并强烈发展的;地面自动站观测显示北风侵入到前期露点温度较高的贵州黄平地区并形成风向辐合触发了对流,之后对流单体东移进入前期地面辐合线和露点锋相配合,同时500 hPa极为干冷的湖南中部偏南地区不断发展加强成对流带;雷达观测显示19日夜里在湖南西部不断出现对流单体并在其东移南下过程中最终形成飑线结构,该飑线中存在多个超级单体;通过多普勒天气雷达的中气旋产品与雷暴大风出现时间对应比较发现:大多数由中气旋引发的雷暴大风,在雷暴大风出现前2~3个体扫,其中气旋底高不断下降至2 km左右或以下,且在雷暴大风出现前1~2个体扫,中气旋的最强切变高度显著下降至中气旋底高位置附近;通过风廓线雷达数据与雷暴大风出现时间对应比较发现:底层大气折射率结构常数(C2n)大幅度的跃升通常在雷暴大风出现前10~15 min左右出现,其对雷暴大风的出现可能具有一定的指示意义。基于雷达资料快速更新四维变分同化(RR4DVar)分析系统,利用京津冀6部新一代多普勒天气雷达资料和区域(约700个)自动站资料对2013年7月30—31日京津冀地区一次飑线系统在移动过程中系统不同部位的热动力结构及其环境场时空演变特征进行了分析。结果表明,这次飑线过程是在有利的天气尺度背景形势下发生发展的。飑线形成初期,其中段和南段前部有强的暖湿空气辐合上升运动,并受到强的中层垂直风切变的影响,且在飑线中南段两侧水平正负涡度近似平衡,这种环境下,十分有利于飑线中南段的组织发展。而北段前部受弱的中层垂直风切变及辐散下沉运动影响,不利于北段系统有组织的发展;随着飑线移动下山,中段和南段前部在较强的中层垂直风切变控制下,出现强的暖湿空气辐合上升运动,且存在偏南暖湿气流稳定输送到系统上升运动区中,这对飑线系统中段和南段自身对流单体新生及高度组织化极为有利。随着飑线演变为弓形回波,中段环境场仍维持强的中层垂直风切变且位于冷池出流边界的控制之下,由于地形强迫效应,有利于弓形回波前沿低空偏南暖湿气流的辐合上升,是飑线下山迅速增强并发展成弓形回波,且稳定维持的主要原因。
Abstract:The paper focuses on analysis of temporal evolution characteristics of thermo dynamical structure and storm related environment in different positions of a squall line that occurred in Beijing Tianjin Hebei Region on 30-31 July 2013. The study is based on rapid refresh 4DVar (RR4DVar) analysis system using 6 CINRAD radar observations combined with regional 700 automatic weather stations. The results indicate that the storm develops under favorable weather conditions. When the squall line forms there is strong warm and wet air convergence, rising motion, strong middle level vertical wind shear, and positive and negative vorticity approximately balanced in front of middle and southern sections, which contribute to the organization and development of middle and southern sections. In comparison, the front of northern section is under the influence of weak middle level vertical wind shear and divergence and sinking movement, which is not favorable for the development of northern section. As the squall line spreads down from the mountain, the front parts of middle and southern sections are under the control of relatively strong middle level vertical wind shear, thus strong warm and wet air convergence result in strong dynamic lifting. Also the warm and wet flow is stably conveyed to the ascending area in storm. All these are beneficial to newborn convective cells and high organization of middle and southern sections. During the squall line evolves into the bow echo, strong middle level vertical wind shear, outflow boundary and cold pool dominate the middle section. Moreover, the terrain forcing effect is extremely significant. These all are conductive to the convergence and aloft motion of low level warm and wet airflow southerly in front of the bow echo, which are the main causes for the quick enhancement of bow echo and stable maintenance during the squall line down the mountain.
文章编号:     中图分类号:    文献标志码:
LIU Lian,WANG Yingchun,CHEN Mingxuan,2015.Spatio Temporal Evolution Characteristics of a Squall Line in Beijing Tianjin Hebei Region[J].Meteor Mon,41(12):1433-1446.