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投稿时间:2014-05-19 修订日期:2015-07-10
投稿时间:2014-05-19 修订日期:2015-07-10
中文摘要: 通过大气细粒子激光雷达和台站探测仪器,探测北京一次雾 霾天气过程,结合地面观测和高空探测气象要素的变化,分析了该雾 霾天气过程能够持续的气象条件:(1)温度持续上升,相对湿度维持在50%以上,风速基本在2 m·s-1以下,高温、高湿、小风速等气象条件不利于颗粒物的迅速扩散;(2)逆温层的持续存在,大气对流减弱,阻止了颗粒物向高空扩散,颗粒物大量积累。以上两个主要原因造成了该雾 霾天气过程的持续。降水对颗粒物的冲刷、湿沉降作用以及冷空气的到来造成地面风力增大,促使了雾 霾天气过程的最终消散。从细粒子激光雷达探测结果发现,在每天中午雾 霾垂直高度都会降低,整个过程中细粒子激光雷达和地面仪器探测的结果基本一致,但通过激光雷达和L波段探空资料对比发现,在存在饱和水汽天气状况时,细粒子激光雷达探测雾 霾高度偏低。
中文关键词: 细粒子激光雷达, 雾 霾, 气象要素, 综合探测
Abstract:One fog and haze weather process was detected by an atmosphere fine particle lidar and instruments of Beijing Weather Observatory. Combining the changes of surface observation and high level weather elements, this paper analyzes the meteorological conditions for the maintenance of this fog haze event. First, temperature continues to rise, humidity is above 50%, wind speed is basically below 2 m·s-1, such conditions of high humidity, light wind are not conducive to rapid spread of particulate matter. Second, persistence of inversion layer and weakened atmospheric convection prevents the diffusion of particles to high altitude causing massive accumulation of particulate matter. The above two main reasons result in persistence of the fog and haze process. The fog and haze process is eventually dissipated by the rain erosion to particulate matter, the role of wet deposition and the increase of surface wind arrival. From detection results of atmosphere fine particle lidar we found the fog and haze vertical height reduces very quickly. The detection results of the fine particle lidar and ground instruments are basically the same. However, comparing the detection results of the fine particle lidar and the L band sounding radar, under the saturated vapor condition, the fog haze height detected by the fine particle lidar is lower.
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作者 | 单位 |
杜传耀 | 北京市观象台,北京 100089 |
于丽萍 | 北京市观象台,北京 100089 |
王缅 | 中国气象局气象探测中心,北京 100081 |
马京津 | 北京市观象台,北京 100089 |
李栋 | 北京市观象台,北京 100089 |
张春波 | 北京市观象台,北京 100089 |
孟磊 | 北京市观象台,北京 100089 |
王璐 | 北京市观象台,北京 100089 |
DU Chuanyao,YU Liping,WANG Mian,MA Jingjin,LI Dong,ZHANG Chunbo,MENG Lei,WANG Lu,2015.Comprehensive Detection of Fog and Haze Process[J].Meteor Mon,41(12):1525-1530.
DU Chuanyao,YU Liping,WANG Mian,MA Jingjin,LI Dong,ZHANG Chunbo,MENG Lei,WANG Lu,2015.Comprehensive Detection of Fog and Haze Process[J].Meteor Mon,41(12):1525-1530.