(浙江省嘉兴市气象局,嘉兴 314050)
Research of the Method for Retrieving Winds on Sea Surface Along Coast of North Zhejiang
(Jiaxing Meteorological Office of Zhejiang Province, Jiaxing 314050)
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投稿时间:2015-01-10    修订日期:2016-02-01
中文摘要: 高质量的海面实况风场是海洋气象监测和预报的基础,卫星反演的大陆沿岸海域海面风场的准确率不高。文章基于反映近地面风速廓线变化的指数律公式,利用浙江北部沿岸海岛或滩涂上布设的中尺度自动站来反演附近海面风场,并使用客观分析方法将反演的离散风场值转换到中尺度网格上,从而获得完整的高分辨率海面风场。指数律中参数α值对于反演风场的准确率至关重要,它主要受到下垫面状况以及大气层结状态的影响,而后者的影响较前者更大。文章使用多个风塔站的风廓线率值进行了反演风场的误差试验,结果表明:目前单一风速廓线还无法取得最优的反演效果,有必要分季节使用多站风速廓线。使用混合风速廓线得到的总体样本的平均偏差为0.04 m·s-1,平均绝对误差为1.51 m·s-1,均方根误差为2.01 m·s-1。对海面反演风场的优化可以将总体样本的平均绝对误差和均方根误差分别降低到1.28和1.68 m·s-1。
Abstract:High quality wind observation on sea surface is the foundation of marine meteorological monitoring and forecasting. The accuracy of satellite retrieved winds along coast is low. The exponent law representing wind profile near surface layer is used to retrieve winds on sea surface around islands or mudflats on which automatic weather stations have been set up. Then objective analysis method is used to transform retrieved winds at discrete points into regular meso grid to get complete wind field with high resolution. The accuracy of retrieved winds is determined by the parameter α in exponent law which is influenced by the status of underlying surface and atmosphere structure. The influence of the latter is more significant than the former. Experiments are performed to verify the error of retrieved winds calculated with different wind profile variation rates (parameter α). The results show that the accuracy of retrieved winds using multiple wind profile variation rates is better than that using single one. By using hybrid wind profile variation rates, mean error (ME), mean absolute error (MAE) and root mean square error (RMSE) of the overall sample are obtained, being 0.04 m·s-1, 1.51 m·s-1 and 2.01 m·s-1, respectively. Through optimizing retrieved winds on sea surface, MAE and RMSE are respectively reduced to 1.28 m·s-1 and 1.68 m·s-1.
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HE Bin,PAN Shixiong,LI Haijun,SHENG Wenbin,DONG Xu,2016.Research of the Method for Retrieving Winds on Sea Surface Along Coast of North Zhejiang[J].Meteor Mon,42(7):875-884.