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(1.国家气象中心,北京 100081;2.山西省气象信息中心,太原 030006)
Analysis of the October 2016 Atmospheric Circulation and Weather
(1.National Meteorological Centre, Beijing 100081;2.Shanxi Meteorological Information Centre, Taiyuan 030006)
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投稿时间:2016-12-26    修订日期:2016-12-13
中文摘要: 2016年10月北半球极地地区极涡呈偶极性分布,极涡强度较常年同期偏强。中高纬环流为4波型,西太平洋副热带高压位置明显偏西、偏北,强度偏强。10月全国平均降水量55.4 mm,较常年同期(35.8 mm)偏多55%,为1951年来同期最多;全国平均气温10.9℃,较常年同期(10.3℃)偏高0.6℃。月内我国主要出现了6次区域性暴雨天气过程,其中2次是台风莎莉嘉和海马导致,2次是受低涡、切变线影响。冷空气活动频繁,出现5次过程,较常年偏多。京津冀地区出现4次雾 霾天气过程。今年第21号台风莎莉嘉于10月18日在海南省万宁市以强台风级别登陆,今年第22号台风海马于10月21日在广东省汕尾市登陆,均造成重大影响。
Abstract:The main characteristics of the general atmospheric circulation in October 2016 are as follows. Over the Northern Hemisphere, the polar vortex conformed to the dipolar nature distribution, which is more intensive than the usual. In the mid high latitudes, the circulation presented a four wave pattern. The West Pacific subtropical high system was stronger than the usual, with its ridge extending to west and north obviously. The monthly mean precipitation over China is 55.4 mm, 55% higher than the climatological mean (35.8 mm), and is the highest for the same period since 1951. The national average temperature is 10.9℃, 0.6℃ higher than its climatological mean 10.3℃. Six severe rainfall processes occurred during this month, two of which were led by Typhoons Sarika and Haima, respectively, while the others were caused by vortex sheers. There were five cold air processes, more than the usual, and four fog and haze events in the region of Beijing Tianjin Hebei. Typhoon Sarika, the No.21 this year, landed the city of Wanning, Hainan Province, on 18 October and Typhoon Haima, the No.22, landed the city of Shanwei, Guangdong Province on 21 October, both of which have severely adverse effects.
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ZHANG Xiakun,NIU Ruoyun,LU Jing,2017.Analysis of the October 2016 Atmospheric Circulation and Weather[J].Meteor Mon,43(1):122-128.