(国家气象中心,北京 100081)
Analysis and Calibration of Singular Historical Observed Data of Manual Soil Water
(National Meteorological Centre, Beijing 100081)
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投稿时间:2015-12-28    修订日期:2016-09-19
中文摘要: 针对中国247个农业气象土壤水分观测站点1981—2010年逐旬土壤重量含水量、逐年田间持水量、凋萎湿度和土壤容重,考虑地区气候特点和土壤质地,依据土壤水分极值和水文常数关系理论,制定了土壤水分观测历史数据集质量控制方法,对土壤水分数据奇异值进行分析与校正。结果表明:土壤水分观测历史资料中,奇异值问题可以归结为人工录入误差、多地段水文常数混用误差和年际变化异常;土壤重量含水量数据异常问题归结为小于风干土含水量和大于理论饱和含水量的极端情况。通过对历史数据集质量控制后,可以对土壤水分观测数据进行有效推广应用,为针对土壤水分的研究提供重要科学基础。
Abstract:In terms of mass water content, field capacity, wilting moisture, and bulk density at 247 agricultural meteorological observing stations during 1981-2010 in China, effective quality control method of these data is applied according to climatic characteristics and soil texture as well as the theory of extreme values and relationship in soil hydrological constants. Analysis and calibration of singular historical observation data of manual soil water are conducted through each station and are presented in this paper taking typical stations as examples. As the base detective conditions, mass water content ranging in 0-50% and varying less than 30% during every two depths, field capacity ranging from 10% to 40% and varying less than 20%, wilting moisture ranging from 1% to 13% and varying less than 10%, bulk density ranging from 0.8 g·cm-3 to 2.0 g·cm-3 and varying less than 0.5 g·cm-3 are considered as credible data. Through typical analysis, errors of soil hydrological constants can be divided into three categories including the error of manual record, reduplicative observation and yearly obvious variation. Similarly, errors of mass water content exceedes proper ranges with minimum value of air dried soil moisture content and maximum one of saturated water content. One effective observation series of manual soil water can be obtained through quality control and applied for better understanding and scientific researches.
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ZHANG Lei,LV Houquan,WANG Liangyu,2017.Analysis and Calibration of Singular Historical Observed Data of Manual Soil Water[J].Meteor Mon,43(2):189-196.