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投稿时间:2016-04-06 修订日期:2016-01-06
投稿时间:2016-04-06 修订日期:2016-01-06
中文摘要: 利用最新的高时空分辨率ERA Interim探空和地面资料,计算分析了1979—2015年浙江省大气输送和自净能力的时空分布变化特征,结合环保局空气质量监测数据探讨了浙江省空气质量与大气自净能力的关系,结果表明:大气自净能力在春、夏季表现出沿海地区小,内陆地区大的分布;到了秋、冬季,沿海地区大气自净能力增大,内陆地区则减小;研究时段内全省平均大气自净能力有增大趋势。表征低层输送能力的10 m风速在秋、冬季最大,夏季最小,随时间略有减小,这是浙江省空气污染加剧的可能原因之一;10 m风速的分布基本呈从东部沿海地区往西部山区逐渐减小的变化趋势,秋、冬季风速略大,以偏北风为主。浙江省大部分地区冬季大气自净能力最差,盛行的偏北风又容易将北方污染物带下来,因此冬季是浙江省最易发生空气污染的时段。当风速较小,风向转为偏西北风时,污染物从北方输入并且积累,最易出现较严重的污染天气。中度及以上的空气污染主要发生在杭嘉湖、宁波、绍兴、金华这些经济发达的地区,沿海地区的舟山、温州、台州由于大气输送条件好发生站次很少。丽水和衢州山区海拔高,加之本地工业经济发展较弱,空气污染发生的频次较少。
Abstract:The latest ERA Interim radiosonde and surface data with high spatio temporal resolution are used to analyze the change characteristics of spatio temporal distribution of the atmospheric transport and self purification capability in Zhejiang Province. Combining with air quality data from Environmental Protection Agency, the relationship between air quality and atmospheric self purification capability in Zhejiang is explored. The results show that atmospheric self purification capability is smaller in coastal areas and larger in inland during spring and summer, but increases in coastal areas and decreases in inland when it comes to autumn and winter. The average atmospheric self purification capability is in the increasing trend during the study period. The 10 m wind speed which represents the underlying transmission is the biggest in autumn and winter, but is the smallest in summer, slightly decreasing with time. This is one of the possible causes of the aggravated air pollution in Zhejiang. The distribution of 10 m wind speed gradually reduces from east coastal areas to western mountains in general, being slightly larger in autumn and winter, northerly winds mainly. The atmospheric self purification capability is the poorest in winter over most parts of Zhejiang, and the prevailing northerly winds tend to bring the north pollutants down, so winter is the time period when air pollution is prone to occur in Zhejiang. When the wind speed is small, and the direction turns into northwest, the pollutants are brought in Zhejiang from the north, getting accumulated, then more serious pollution weather is most likely to appear. The air pollution above medium grade occurs mainly in the developed areas like Hangzhou, Ningbo, Shaoxing, and Jinhua. Comparatively, air pollution rarely happens in coastal areas, such as Zhoushan, Wenzhou, Taizhou, due to the good atmospheric transport conditions. The air pollution occurs less frequently in Lishui and Quzhou as the result of high terrain and slow development in industry and economy.
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
YU Zhenyan,LI Zhengquan,GAO Dawei,WANG Kuo,2017.Feature Analysis of Air Quality and Atmospheric Self Purification Capability in Zhejiang[J].Meteor Mon,43(3):323-332.
YU Zhenyan,LI Zhengquan,GAO Dawei,WANG Kuo,2017.Feature Analysis of Air Quality and Atmospheric Self Purification Capability in Zhejiang[J].Meteor Mon,43(3):323-332.