(1 青岛市气象灾害防御工程技术研究中心,青岛 266003 2 青岛市气象局,青岛 266003)
The Stage Division of Flood Season in Qingdao and Associated Circulation Background
ZHANG Fengqi1,2,HAO Yan2,ZHANG Kaijing2
(1 Qingdao Engineering Technology Research Center for Meteorological Disaster Prevention, Qingdao 266003 2 Qingdao Meteorological Bureau of Shandong, Qingdao 266003)
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投稿时间:2016-08-04    修订日期:2017-05-16
中文摘要: 应用1961年1月到2011年12月的中国722站降水、NCEP/NCAR再分析和青岛市辖7站降水等逐日资料,分析青岛汛期降水阶段及对应的环流气候背景。结果表明:青岛市汛期有5个降水阶段,分别是主汛期开始阶段(6月29日至7月3日),黄淮雨期阶段(7月9—25日),华北雨季阶段(7月27日至8月6日),热带低压阶段(8月11—20日)和主汛期结束阶段(8月29日至9月4日)。其中主雨季(7—8月)呈明显的双峰分布,分别是黄淮雨期阶段和热带低压阶段两个主要降水阶段。副热带高压的季节性移动及其高低空的配置是形成青岛汛期降水阶段的主要成因,各降水阶段对应着相对稳定的天气气候阶段,各降水阶段间的大气环流有明显的突变现象,该研究为细化青岛汛期降水气候预测提供了理论支持。
Abstract:Based on the rainfall data from 722 stations in China, NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data, and the daily rainfall data from 7 stations in Qingdao from January 1961 to December 2011, the precipitation phases of flood season in Qingdao and the corresponding climatic circulation background are analyzed. The results show that 5 stages could be identified in the Qingdao summer flood season, including the initial stage of the main rainy season (29 June to 3 July), the stage of the Yellow River Huaihe River rainy season (9-25 July), the stage of North China rainy season (27 July to 6 August), the stage of tropical depression (11-20 August), and the end stage of the main rainy season (29 August to 4 September), respectively. In each stage, the corresponding climatic circulation background and the impact systems are relatively stable. The stage of the Yellow River Huaihe River rainy season and the stage of tropical depression are two major precipitation stages with strong intensity and longer duration. The main reasons for the formation of the stages in flood season in Qingdao are the seasonal movement of subtropical high and the circulation configuration in high and low levels. The circulation between different stages shows clearly the phenomenon of abrupt changes.
文章编号:     中图分类号:    文献标志码:
ZHANG Fengqi,HAO Yan,ZHANG Kaijing,2017.The Stage Division of Flood Season in Qingdao and Associated Circulation Background[J].Meteor Mon,43(8):962-972.