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Parsivel降水粒子谱仪与观测站 雨量计的对比分析
(1 南京市气象局, 南京 210009 2 江苏省气象台, 南京 210009)
Contrastive Analysis of Parsivel Precipitation Particle Spectrometer Data and Pluviometer Data
LI Li1,JIANG Youshan1,CAI Ninghao2,XIA Minjie1
(1 Nanjing Meteorological Bureau, Nanjing 210009 2 Jiangsu Meteorological Observatory, Nanjing 210009)
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投稿时间:2016-02-27    修订日期:2018-01-12
中文摘要: 本文选取强降雨、一般降雨等几次天气过程,利用统计方法,对架设于南京的五个Parsivel降水粒子谱仪监测的资料和观测站雨量计雨量资料进行对比分析,结果得到:雨滴谱仪的雨量数据在降雨过程中与雨量计相差较小。雨强在10~20 mm·h-1之间时,雨滴谱仪的雨量与雨量计相差最大;雨强为0~1 mm·h-1和大于20 mm·h-1(短时强降雨)、或直径大于2 mm 时,雨滴谱仪雨量总体上大于雨量计;雨强为1~20 mm、或直径小于2 mm时雨滴谱仪雨量总体上小于雨量计。
Abstract:This article selects some weather processes including heavy rainfall and general rainfall, using statistical method to contrast Parsivel precipitation particle spectrometer data and pluviometer data from five stations in Nanjing. The results show that the particle spectrometer data are close to the pluviometer data in rainfall processes. When the rain intensity is between 10-20 mm·h-1, the particle spectrometer data have the largest difference from the pluviometer data. However, the particle spectrometer data are bigger than the pluviometer data as a whole when the rain intensity is either larger than 20 mm·h-1 or between 0 and 1 mm·h-1, or when the rainfall particle diameter is bigger than 2 mm.The result is opposite when the rain intensity is between 1 and 20 mm·h-1, or when the particle diameter is smaller than 2 mm.
文章编号:     中图分类号:P412    文献标志码:
李力,姜有山,蔡凝昊,夏敏洁,2018.Parsivel降水粒子谱仪与观测站 雨量计的对比分析[J].气象,44(3):434-441.
LI Li,JIANG Youshan,CAI Ninghao,XIA Minjie,2018.Contrastive Analysis of Parsivel Precipitation Particle Spectrometer Data and Pluviometer Data[J].Meteor Mon,44(3):434-441.