(1 大连市人工影响天气办公室, 大连 116001 2 沈阳市气象服务中心, 沈阳 110168 3 中国气象局沈阳大气环境研究所, 沈阳 110016)
Precipitation Characteristics and Correlation Analysis During an Air Pollution Episode
LI Hongbin,FU Yu,ZHANG Jingxuan,HE Yang,PU Wenyao,XIA Wei,ZHAO Fansheng,ZHOU Deping,ZHANG Diangang
(1 Dalian Weather Modification Office, Dalian 116001 2 Shenyang Meteorological Service Center, Shenyang 110168 3 Shenyang Institute of Atmospheric Environment, CMA, Shenyang 110016)
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投稿时间:2017-03-08    修订日期:2018-01-19
中文摘要: 本文分析了大连市2015年11月16日一次污染过程的降水(降水量为5 mm)天气特征及NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,结果表明,天气形势场为典型的大连秋、冬季的高空槽降水,而大气层结无论是在污染前期,还是污染后期的降水阶段均为稳定层结,有逆温层存在;空气上升运动于降水前持续了较长时间(近十几小时),表明近地面细颗粒物(PM2.5)随着上升气流会源源不断输送到高空,其中部分颗粒物转化为云中冰核,补充了降雨云中冰核数;同时,对本次污染降水过程及大连近两年秋、冬季另外三次小雨(降水量<5 mm)降水过程的云中液态水含量、地面降水量和PM2.5的小时观测值及其变化进行了详细讨论和分析发现,当PM2.5浓度较低时,降雨云中的冰核数缺乏,地面降水较小,适合实施人工增雨(雪)作业,增加云中冰核及地面降水,当PM2.5浓度较高,特别是出现大气污染时,降雨云中的冰核数会相对增加(甚至过量),地面降水较充分(或出现消减雨情况),此时人工影响作业应根据实际情况减小作业剂量,或减少作业。此外,相关综合分析表明,大连市大气污染源有两种,一为本地源,二为外来源;一定程度的降水对本地源大气污染能起到沉降作用,对外来源不明显。
Abstract:Precipitation (5 mm) characteristics and NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data of a pollution process in Dalian on 16 November 2015 were analyzed. The results showed that the synoptic situation was the typical high level trough before the precipitation in Dalian in autumn and winter. The atmospheric stratifications were stable with inversion layers during the early stage of pollution and the late stage of precipitation. There was ascending motion before the precipitation for more than 10 hours, which means the fine particles (PM2.5) around the surface could be transported into the upper air continually with the rising air, and part of the particles would transform into ice nuclei as supplement of ice nucleus in the precipitating cloud. In addition, three more processes of precipitation (<5 mm) in Dalian in autumn and winter during 2015-2016 were analyzed. Cloud liquid water content, amount of precipitation and concentration of fine particles (PM2.5) were discussed in detail. The results showed that there are less ice nuclei leading to smaller rainfall with low concentration of PM2.5, which is suitable for artificial precipitation operation to increase the ice nuclei in clouds and the surface precipitation. Otherwise, there are more or overdosed ice nuclei leading to sufficient precipitation or lower precipitation with high concentration of PM2.5, especially during the air pollution episode. In such cases during artificial precipitation operation working dose or times should be reduced according to the actual situation. Comprehensive analysis also showed that there are two kinds of pollution sources in Dalian. One is local source, and the other is external source. A certain amount of precipitation could reduce pollution through wet deposition by local source, with no obvious effect by external source.
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LI Hongbin,FU Yu,ZHANG Jingxuan,HE Yang,PU Wenyao,XIA Wei,ZHAO Fansheng,ZHOU Deping,ZHANG Diangang,2018.Precipitation Characteristics and Correlation Analysis During an Air Pollution Episode[J].Meteor Mon,44(5):655-664.