(中国科学院合肥物质科学研究院应用技术研究所,合肥 230088)
Analysis of Aerosol Absorption Properties in Beijing from 13 November to 19 December 2009
GUO Fengxia,QI Jun
(Institute of Applied Technology, Heifei Institutes of Physical Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei 230088)
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投稿时间:2017-01-07    修订日期:2018-04-23
中文摘要: 利用北京地区供暖期间2009年11月13日至12月19日共计37 d的黑碳仪测量数据,以气溶胶吸收ngstrom指数(absorption ngstrom exponent, AAE)和各种气溶胶特性之间的关系作为气溶胶组分指示器,分析了北京冬季燃煤和交通排放对环境气溶胶组分的影响。37 d平均(average)、清洁大气(clean)和雾 霾大气(fog haze)三种天气状况下AAE的日变化特征及对比分析结果显示:average和fog haze状况下的AAE均在交通高峰时段达到最小值,在其他时段相对增大;clean状况下的AAE则从夜间到白天逐渐减小,在交通高峰时段出现相对变小的拐点;AAE在clean状况下明显高于其他两种天气状况,且在夜晚差值增大。结合各种天气状况下的气象条件的变化,证明了北京冬季夜间燃煤时段含有褐碳气溶胶的较高排放和交通时段细颗粒物的显著增加,及两者对大气环境中气溶胶组分变化的重要影响。
Abstract:The effects of traffic emission and heating in winter on the components of atmospheric aerosol were revealed by using the relation between the properties of aerosol and the aerosol absorption ngstrom exponent (AAE) as the indicator for the aerosol’s composition, based on a 37 d measurement campaign from 13 November to 19 December 2009 with the Aethalometer in the region of Beijing. The diurnal variation characteristics and the comparison analysis were studied on the 37 d average, clean, and fog haze conditions. The results showed that the AAE reached the minimum during traffic rush hours and increased at other times in the average and fog haze conditions. In clean condition, the AAE decreased gradually from nighttime to daytime, and an inflexion would turn with the advent of the traffic rush hours. The AAE was significantly higher in clean condition than in the two other conditions, and the difference became more significant at night. Combining the varied weather conditions, the paper demonstrated that significant emi ssions of brown carbon containing aerosols in the region of Beijing in winter, especially during the night, and emissions of the fine particles during traffic rush hours, as well as the important impact on the components of aerosol in ambient atmosphere.
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GUO Fengxia,QI Jun,2018.Analysis of Aerosol Absorption Properties in Beijing from 13 November to 19 December 2009[J].Meteor Mon,44(7):921-928.