(山东省气候中心,济南 250031)
Dominant Interannual Modes of Summer Precipitation over Shandong Province and Its Atmospheric Circulation Characteristics
WANG Na,GU Weizong,MENG Xiangxin
(Shandong Climate Centre, Jinan 250031)
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投稿时间:2017-04-18    修订日期:2018-08-28
中文摘要: 本文基于1962—2016年山东省降水资料和JRA 55再分析资料,利用EOF、相关分析和合成〖JP2〗分析等方法,研究了山东夏季降水年际分布型态及对应的大气环流形势。结果表明:山东夏季降水的年际型态主要分为全区一致型、西北—东南型和东北—西南型模态。在全区一致偏多(少)年,蒙古高原和日本海呈“东高西低”(“西高东低”)的环流结构,东亚地区有“-+-”〖JP〗(“+-+”)分布的类似EAP遥相关型经向波列,阿拉伯海、孟加拉湾和菲律宾低层为异常反气旋式环流。在西北多(少)—东南少(多)年,乌拉尔山阻塞高压和鄂霍次克海阻塞高压活动加强(减弱),沿高空急流轴自西向东有类似“丝绸之路”遥相关型的波列。在东北多(少)—西南少(多)年,在欧亚大陆中西部有“-+-”(“+-+”)东北—西南向异常波列,热带地区为东(西)风异常。另外,西太平洋副热带高压的南北位置主要影响第一模态、西伸东退主要影响第二模态;三个模态的东亚急流在山东及其附近区域都有位于急流轴南北两侧的偶极子异常结构,但异常中心的位置有所差异。这些结论有助于进一步认识山东夏季降水异常及其环流特征,从而为预测提供参考依据。
Abstract:Based on meteorological data and JRA 55 reanalysis data, the dominant interannual patterns of summer precipitation over Shandong Province and their circulation characteristics were investigated by using the EOF, correlation analysis and composite analysis methods. The results indicate that the spatial distributions of interannual summer precipitation over Shandong Province can be classified into ‘consistent distribution’, ‘northwest southeast seesaw distribution’ and ‘northeast southwest seesaw distribution’ modes. In the consistent more (less) precipitation year, there is a dipole anomaly pattern with high (low) pressure over the Sea of Japan and low (high) pressure over Mongolia Plateau; a meridional wave train resembles EAP teleconnection pattern is distributed as ‘-+-’ (‘+-+’) over East Asia; the Arabian Sea, the Bay of Bengal and the Philippine regions are characterized by anomalous low level anticyclones. In the years of more precipitation over northwest (southeast) and less precipitation over southeast (northwest) of Shandong, the activities of Ural blocking high and Okhotsk blocking high are enhanced (suppressed) and a wave train which is analogous to ‘Silk Road’ teleconnection pattern propagating eastward along the upper westerly jet stream. In the years of more precipitation over northeast (southwest) and less precipitation over southwest (northeast) of Shandong, a northeast southwest wave train is distributed as ‘-+-’ (‘+-+’) over western and central Eurasia and the tropical zone is characterized by anomalous east (west) wind. In addition, the ‘consistent distribution’ mode is mainly influenced by the latitude position of West Pacific subtropical high (WPSH) ridge while the ‘northwest southeast seesaw distribution’ mode is largely affected by the westward extending and eastward retreating of WPSH. As for the upper westerly jet stream, a dipole anomaly pattern is located in the south and north sides of jet axis over Shandong and its vicinal region in all of the three modes with position differences of the anomalous centers. These results would be helpful in further understanding anomalous summer precipitation and its atmospheric circulation to improve the predictability of summer precipitation over Shandong Province.
文章编号:     中图分类号:    文献标志码:
WANG Na,GU Weizong,MENG Xiangxin,2019.Dominant Interannual Modes of Summer Precipitation over Shandong Province and Its Atmospheric Circulation Characteristics[J].Meteor Mon,45(1):99-112.