(中国气象局交通气象重点开放实验室,南京 210008;江苏省气象服务中心,南京 210008;江苏省气象台,南京 210008;江苏省气象科学研究所,南京 210008)
Characteristics of the Formation and Spread of an Advection Fog
WANG Boni,ZHANG Xuerong,PU Meijuan,WANG Hongbin,CHEN Yushi
(Key Laboratory of Transportation Meteorology, CMA, Nanjing 210008;Jiangsu Meteorological Service Centre, Nanjing 210008;Jiangsu Meteorological Observatory, Nanjing 210008;Jiangsu Institute of Meteorological Sciences, Nanjing 210008)
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投稿时间:2017-11-08    修订日期:2019-01-16
中文摘要: 2013年3月18—19日,江苏出现了一次罕见的平流雾过程,雾区先在长江北岸形成,继而向苏北传播。本文对这次平流雾的形成机理及特征进行了分析,并对雾区的传播机制进行了研究。结果表明:此次平流雾的形成主要受冷空气控制后暖湿平流的影响,冷锋过境后的影响是平流雾形成的基础,东海变性冷高压北抬是其形成的必要条件;地面东南风和低空东南水汽输送共同推动雾区向北传播;长江、洪泽湖、高邮湖等水域对平流雾增强起着重要作用;强浓雾呈渐进式发展,爆发性增强不明显以及云雾共存结构等是本次平流雾的主要特征。本论文的研究结果对平流雾的预报具有重要的实用价值。
Abstract:The event of an advection fog occurred in Jiangsu Province during 18-19 March 2013. It firstly formed in the north bank of Yangtze River and then spread to northern Jiangsu Province. In this study, the formation mechanism and characteristics of this fog event are analyzed, and the transmission mechanism of the fog is particularly emphasized. The results indicate that this advection fog event was formed by the influence of warm and humid advection after being controlled by cold air. The cold front transit was the basic condition for the formation of advection fog. The north lift of the denatured cold high pressure from East China Sea was helpful for the formation of this advection fog event. The fog area moved northward as the result of the promoting role of southeast wind from the ground and water vapor transfer toward southeast at low altitude. The waters of Yangtze River, Hongze Lake and Gaoyou Lake played significant roles in enhancing the development of the advection fog. The heavy fog developed gradually with insignificant explosive increase and coexistence of cloud and fog as the main characteristics. These findings have practical values to the forecasting of advection fog.
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基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(41575135、40975085、41340042)、江苏省自然科学青年基金(BK20161073)、江苏省气象局面上项目 (KM201807)和江苏省气象服务中心自立课题共同资助
WANG Boni,ZHANG Xuerong,PU Meijuan,WANG Hongbin,CHEN Yushi,2019.Characteristics of the Formation and Spread of an Advection Fog[J].Meteor Mon,45(3):395-406.