周星妍,曾红玲,王遵娅,孙劭,陈鲜艳,柳艳菊, 邹旭恺,王凌,赵琳,侯威,王有民,朱晓金, 钟海玲,郭艳君,黄大鹏,李莹,张颖娴,蔡雯悦, 孙冷,章大全,顾薇,李多,崔童,石帅
(国家气候中心,北京 100081)
Climatic Characteristics and Major Meteorological Events over China in 2018
ZHOU Xingyan,ZENG Hongling,WANG Zunya,SUN Shao,CHEN Xianyan,LIU Yanju ZOU Xukai,WANG Ling,ZHAO Lin,HOU Wei,WANG Youmin,ZHU Xiaojin ZHONG Hailing,GUO Yanjun,HUANG Dapeng,LI Ying,ZHANG Yingxian CAI Wenyue,SUN Leng,ZHANG Daquan,GU Wei,LI Duo,CUI Tong,SHI Shuai
(National Climate Centre, Beijing 100081)
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投稿时间:2019-03-11    修订日期:2019-03-24
中文摘要: 2018年,我国气候属于正常年景,气候灾害偏轻。全国平均气温为10.09℃,较常年偏高0.54℃,春、夏季气温创历史新高,秋、冬季气温接近常年。全国平均降水量为673.8 mm,较常年偏多7.0%。全国降水夏、秋季偏多,冬季偏少,春季接近常年同期。华南前汛期开始晚,结束早,雨量少;西南雨季开始和结束均接近常年,雨量多;入梅晚、出梅早,梅雨量少;华北雨季开始和结束均早,雨量多;华西秋雨开始和结束均晚,雨量少;东北雨季开始和结束均接近常年,雨量少。2018年,生成和登陆台风多、登陆位置偏北、灾损严重。低温冷冻害及雪灾频发,损失偏重。其他气象灾害,如暴雨洪涝、干旱、强对流、沙尘暴影响均偏轻。
Abstract:Climate in China was at a normal level in 2018 when fewer climate disasters occurred, relatively. Annual mean temperature (10.09℃) over China was 0.54℃ higher than normal. The temperature in spring and summer reached a record high, while the temperatures in autumn and winter were close to the normal. The annual mean precipitation over China was 673.8 mm with 7.0% more than normal. The seasonal precipitation was below normal in winter, near normal in spring, but above normal in summer and autumn respectively. The first rainy season in South China started later and ended earlier than normal with deficient precipitation. The dates of beginning and end of the rainy season in Southwest China were close to the climatological dates with more heavy precipitation. Meiyu season started later and ended earlier than normal with less precipitation during the rainy period. The rainy season in North China started earlier and ended earlier than normal with more rainfall. The autumn rain in West China started and ended late, with less rainfall. The dates of start and end of the rainy season in Northeast China were near the normal time with less rainfall during the rainy period. In 2018, the generated and landed typhoons were more than normal, featuring northward landing locations and severe disaster damage. Low temperature freezing and snow disasters occurred frequently, causing heavy losses in China. Comparatively, 〖JP2〗the effects of other disas〖JP〗 ters such as torrential rains, floods, drought, severe convection, and dust were light.
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ZHOU Xingyan,ZENG Hongling,WANG Zunya,SUN Shao,CHEN Xianyan,LIU Yanju,ZOU Xukai,WANG Ling,ZHAO Lin,HOU Wei,WANG Youmin,ZHU Xiaojin,ZHONG Hailing,GUO Yanjun,HUANG Dapeng,LI Ying,ZHANG Yingxian,CAI Wenyue,SUN Leng,ZHANG Daquan,GU Wei,LI Duo,CUI Tong,SHI Shuai,2019.Climatic Characteristics and Major Meteorological Events over China in 2018[J].Meteor Mon,45(4):543-552.