(中国气象局气象探测中心,北京 100081; 安徽省气象信息中心,合肥 230031; 成都信息工程大学,成都 610225)
Typhoon Observation and Analysis of Domestic Marine Meteorological Drift Buoy Experiment
CAO Xiaozhong,LI Xiaoxia,LEI Yong,WEN Huayang,WANG Xie
(Meteorological Observation Centre of CMA, Beijing 100081; Anhui Meteorological Information Center, Hefei 230031; Chengdu University of Information Technology, Chengdu 610225)
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投稿时间:2018-03-26    修订日期:2019-05-10
中文摘要: 介绍了由我国自主研制的、基于北斗导航通信卫星的、集海洋水文要素和气象要素一体观测的、在恶劣海况条件下能进行连续、可靠观测的海洋气象漂流观测仪,及其在多个海域开展实际的外海观测试验情况。2017年8月20日至9月5日,三台漂流观测仪在广东博贺海洋气象综合试验基地,经历了2017年第13号台风天鸽和第14号台风帕卡两次台风天气过程。对试验期间获取的台风天气过程中气温、气压、海温等观测数据的分析表明,漂流观测仪所获得的观测数据与相关国家级业务观测站点的观测数据具有较好的相关性,揭示了台风天气过程的明显特征,并表现出合理、清晰的日变化特征。上述试验表明,国产海洋气象漂流观测仪已具备在恶劣海况下进行实际观测的能力。
Abstract:This study introduces the domestic marine meteorological drifting observer which can continuously, reliably and accurately observe the severe sea conditions based on Beidou navigation communication. It was independently developed by China and integrated with marine hydrological element (sea surface temperature, seawater salinity) and meteorological elements (air temperature, pressure, wind speed and direction). Up to now the observation test has been carried out in a number of sea areas. From 20 August to 5 September 2017, three drifting observers were placed in Guangdong Bohe Test Base for observing test, one on the shore, and the other two in the offshore seas. During the trial, the Typhoon Hato and the Typhoon Pakhar hit the area. The data analysis shows that the drifting observer data have a good correlation with the data from the national operation observation stations. The drifting observer obtained the observation data of air temperature, pressure and sea temperature in the period of typhoon weather, which had obvious characteristics of typhoon weather process, and showed a reasonable and apparent diurnal variation characteristic. The tests have shown that the marine meteorological drift observation instrument has the ability to perform actual observations under severe sea conditions.
文章编号:     中图分类号:    文献标志码:
CAO Xiaozhong,LI Xiaoxia,LEI Yong,WEN Huayang,WANG Xie,2019.Typhoon Observation and Analysis of Domestic Marine Meteorological Drift Buoy Experiment[J].Meteor Mon,45(10):1457-1463.