(海峡气象开放实验室,厦门 361012; 福建省灾害天气重点实验室,福州 350001; 厦门市气象台,厦门 361012)
Mesoscale Feature Analysis on a Warm-Sector Torrential Rain Event in Southeastern Coast of Fujian on 7 May 2018
HU Yajun,ZHANG Wei,ZHAO Yuchun,CHEN Dehua
(Laboratory of Straits Meteorology, Xiamen 361012; Fujian Key Laboratory of Severe Weather, Fuzhou 350001; Xiamen Meteorological Observatory, Xiamen 361012)
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投稿时间:2019-03-13    修订日期:2019-11-19
中文摘要: 利用双偏振多普勒雷达、风廓线雷达、雨滴谱仪等新型探测资料以及双雷达风场反演资料、地面加密自动观测站资料与FNL再分析资料,分析了2018年5月7日闽南沿海一次暖区特大暴雨过程的中尺度特征。结果表明:此次特大暴雨发生在强盛的超低空西南急流区内;超低空急流具有明显的脉动特征,其突然增强引起低空扰动加强,造成明显的低层辐合;深厚的西南急流导致对流回波形态与回波移动方向高度一致,使得多个强降水对流系统接连经过同一区域,形成列车效应,这是强降水长时间维持的重要原因;强降水对流回波带中,水平方向存在风向、风速双重辐合,垂直方向上存在明显的波状运动,上升运动位于强回波前部,使其不断向东北方向移动,同时在强降水对流回波带东南侧存在明显的补偿性次级环流,使低层辐合和上升运动得以维持;高浓度的小雨滴与大雨滴并存是此次暖区强降水云微物理的重要特征。
Abstract:Based on the data of dual polarization Doppler radar, wind-profiling radar, disdrometer, dual-Doppler radar retrieval, automatic weather stations and FNL reanalysis data, this paper analyzes the mesoscale characteristics of warm-sector torrential rain in southeastern coast of Fujian Province on 7 May 2018. The results show that this torrential rain process occurred inside the strong ultra-low-level southwest jet. The pulsation feature of ultra-low-level jet was obvious. Sudden enhancement of the jet favored the low-level disturbance, which caused significant low-level convergence. Deep southwest jet led to high consistency of convective echo pattern and echo moving direction, causing multiple severe convective systems to pass the same area repeatedly (a train effect), which was an important reason for the severe rainfall to last such a long time. There existed both wind speed and direction convergence inside the strong echo in horizontal direction. In vertical direction, there was significant wave-like motion in the echo band with the ascending motion in the front of the strong echo. This could guide echo to move northeastward. At the same time, there was significant compensatory secondary circulation in 〖JP2〗southeast of the strong echo, maintaining low-level convergence and the upstream.〖JP〗 In addition, high concentration of small raindrops with a few large raindrops was the main cloud microphysical characteristics of this warm-sector torrential rain.
文章编号:     中图分类号:    文献标志码:
HU Yajun,ZHANG Wei,ZHAO Yuchun,CHEN Dehua,2020.Mesoscale Feature Analysis on a Warm-Sector Torrential Rain Event in Southeastern Coast of Fujian on 7 May 2018[J].Meteor Mon,46(5):629-642.