(中国气象局云雾物理环境重点开放实验室,北京 100081; 中国气象科学研究院,北京 100081)
Comparison and Analysis of Several Meteorological Elements and Flight Parameters Observed from Different Airborne Detection Instruments
LI Hongyu,ZHOU Xu,ZHANG Rong,ZHANG Xiaotuo,WANG Xiaohui
(Key Laboratory for Cloud Physics of China Meteorological Administration, Beijing 100081; Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, Beijing 100081)
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投稿时间:2020-03-03    修订日期:2020-04-30
中文摘要: 为了了解机载探测不同数据源之间差异,检验飞机探测数据质量,结合新舟60增雨飞机2018年10月21日一次飞行案例,对该飞机平台和飞机任务系统不同机载设备对关键飞行参数与气象要素的观测对比分析。结果表明:飞机平台全球卫星定位系统(GPS)和任务系统北斗卫星导航系统(BDS)、机载综合气象测量系统(AIMMS-20)三套定位源的经度、纬度和海拔高度定位偏差较小,飞机气压高度表观测海拔高度则明显低于任务系统BDS和AIMMS-20。飞机平台大气数据系统(ADS)与任务系统AIMMS-20、云粒子图像探头(CIP)观测的真空速、环境气压、温度以及相对湿度各参数变化趋势一致。ADS与AIMMS-20真空速观测值非常接近,AIMMS-20对环境风速瞬时变化响应更灵敏,CIP探测真空速明显小于ADS和AIMMS-20,平均偏慢约10 m·s-1;AIMMS-20和CIP环境气压变化趋势完全一致,且观测值非常接近,ADS环境气温比AIMMS-20平均偏低1.4℃,偏低最大时观测存在明显逆温。CIP环境气温比AIMMS-20平均偏低0.6℃,环境湿度比AIMMS-20平均偏低8.6%。机上不同设备对环境与气象参数的观测差异,一方面因机载设备安装位置不同所致,另一方面也受大气与云结构不均匀的影响。飞机平台与任务系统不同设备观测对比分析,不仅为云物理机载探测数据合理应用提供指导,还能够为国家和地方人工影响天气飞机机载设备系统集成设计提供重要技术支持。
Abstract:Based on a flight case of the national MA60 seeding aircraft which took place on 21 October 2018, several flight parameters and meteorological elements observed from onboard various instruments are compared and analyzed to investigate their difference and verify the detection data quality. The results show that the deviations of the longitude, latitude and altitude location are relatively small showed on the GPS of aircraft platform, BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) and aircraft integrated meteorological measurement system (AIMMS-20). The observation of altitude on aircraft’s barometric altimeter is sharply lower than it showed on BDS and AIMMS-20. The changing trend of ambient pressure, true air speed (TAS), temperature, relative humidity and other elements are almost the same as shown on aircraft platform air data system (ADS), AIMMS-20 and cloud image probe (CIP). The observed values are also close to each other on ADS and AIMMS-20. The instantaneous changes of wind on AIMMS-20 are more accurate than on the ADS. The TAS on CIP is significantly slower than on AIMMS-20, 10 m·s-1 on average. The changing trend of environment pressure is the same on AIMMS-20 and CIP. There is 1.4℃ environment temperature lower on the average on ADS than on AIMMS-20, and there is obvious inversion when the lowest value happens. The ambient temperature on CIP probe is 0.6℃ lower than on AIMMS-20 and relative humidity is 8.6% lower than on AIMMS-20. The differences of aircraft location and those environment elements between different airborne observation sources are the result of different installation locations of those detection instruments or sensors, as well as the influence of inhomogeneous cloud structures. This comparison and analysis could not only provide some scientific bases for reasonable application of the airborne detection data, but also help to guide the design of airborne integrated mission systems for future national and local high-performance seeding and detecting aircraft constructions.
文章编号:     中图分类号:    文献标志码:
LI Hongyu,ZHOU Xu,ZHANG Rong,ZHANG Xiaotuo,WANG Xiaohui,2020.Comparison and Analysis of Several Meteorological Elements and Flight Parameters Observed from Different Airborne Detection Instruments[J].Meteor Mon,46(9):1143-1152.