(山东省淄博市气象局,淄博 255048; 中国气象局气象干部培训学院,北京 100081)
Vertical Distribution of Aerosol and Its Relationship with Meteorological Conditions During Haze in Central Part of Shandong Province
ZHANG Qin,YAO Xiuping
(Zibo Meteorological Office of Shandong Province, Zibo 255048; China Meteorological Administration Training Centre, Beijing 100081)
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投稿时间:2021-01-04    修订日期:2021-07-14
中文摘要: 利用CALIPSO气溶胶垂直廓线产品和NCEP提供的FNL 1°×1°再分析数据,以清洁日为对比,统计分析了2007—2017年霾和重度霾期间鲁中地区气溶胶的垂直分布规律,并探讨了两者之间的关系。结果表明:霾日、重度霾日的气溶胶粒子主要聚集在对流层低层2.7 km、1.5 km以下。以0.9、1.66和1.34 km为临界高度,清洁日、霾日、重度霾日的消光系数(EC)在临界高度以上呈指数递减,以下呈对数递减。霾日和重度霾日年平均体积退偏比(PDR)和色比(CR)范围分别为0.1~0.3和0.5~0.9。低层2 km以下,重度霾日以相对规则的细粒子为主;2~4 km,不规则度和尺寸都急剧增大。PDR在7 km 及以下随高度逐步增加,7 km以上逐步减小。与清洁日不同,霾日CR基本随高度逐渐增大,重度霾日则在6 km以下随高度逐渐增大。污染沙尘型气溶胶对重度霾日和霾日近地面的EC贡献最大,分别为0.58 km-1和0.36 km-1,其次是大陆污染型,分别为0.27 km-1和0.20 km-1。重度霾日在1.5 km及以下维持了较小的平均风速和较大的相对湿度,有利于EC的增大。霾日在较高的高度上维持了相对较小的平均风速和相对较大的相对湿度,使得气溶胶高浓度层达2.7 km。霾时近地面污染物来源为蒙古、内蒙古等地的长距离传输和周边地区的传输。重度霾时蒙古方向和河南方向的污染物传输占比更大,分别达25.26%和31.58%。重度霾对应的多层逆温比例接近50%,贴地+低悬型和贴地+高悬型逆温在其中占比最大。由于这两种逆温型在逆温层以下对应更小的出流量,大气更稳定,使得重度霾时气溶胶粒子聚集在低层。
Abstract:Compared with the situation on clear days, the vertical distribution of aerosol and meteorological conditions during haze and heavy haze events in central part of Shandong Province from 2007 to 2017 are analyzed by utilizing the data of CALIPSO (The Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observation) and NCEP FNL (Final Operational Global Analysis) 1°×1° reanalysis data. The results show that aerosol particles in haze and heavy haze weather mainly concentrate below 2.7 km and 1.5 km in the lower troposphere. With 0.9, 1.66 and 1.34 km as the critical heights, the extinction coefficient (EC) of clear days, haze days and heavy haze days decreases exponentially above the critical height and logarithmically below the height. The average annual paraticulate deploarization ratio (PDR) and color ratio (CR) range of haze days and severe haze days are 0.1-0.3 and 0.5-0.9, respectively. In heavy haze days, aerosol particles below 2 km are relatively regular and small in size, and their irregularity and size increase sharply within 2-4 km. PDR increases gradually with height in and below 7 km but decreases gradually above 7 km. Different from clear days, CR basically increases with the height on haze days. The contribution of polluted dust aerosol to near-ground EC on heavy haze days and haze days is 0.58 km-1 and 0.36 km-1, respectively. The second is 〖JP2〗the polluted continental type, contributing 0.27 km-1 and 0.20 km-1〖JP〗 respectively. On the heavy haze days, the low average wind speed and high relative humidity in and below 1.5 km are conducive to the increase of EC. On haze days, low average wind speed and high relative humidity are maintained at a higher height, making the height of aerosol high concentration layer up to 2.7 km. During haze days, the sources of near-surface pollutants are long-distance transmission from Mongolia, Inner Mongolia and the neighboring provinces. In heavy haze days, the transport of pollutants in the direction of Mongolia and Henan accounts for more, reaching to 25.26% and 31.58% respectively. The proportion of multi-layer inversion corresponding to heavy haze is close to 50%, and the proportion of ground+low-suspended type and ground+high-suspended type are the largest. Since these two types of inversion correspond to smaller outflow below the inversion layer, the atmosphere is more stable,and aerosol particles are concentrated in the lower layer when it is heavy haze weather.
文章编号:     中图分类号:    文献标志码:
ZHANG Qin,YAO Xiuping,2021.Vertical Distribution of Aerosol and Its Relationship with Meteorological Conditions During Haze in Central Part of Shandong Province[J].Meteor Mon,47(9):1099-1112.