(国家气象中心,北京 100081; 兰州中心气象台,兰州 730020)
Temperature and Wind Characteristic Analysis in Zhangjiakou Olympic Area for the Winter Olympic Games
LI Jiarui,FU Jiaolan,TAO Yiwei,ZHANG Hengde,LI Rong,DONG Quan,HU Yi
(National Meteorological Centre, Beijing 100081; Lanzhou Central Meteorological Observatory, Lanzhou 730020)
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投稿时间:2021-04-07    修订日期:2021-09-22
中文摘要: 利用2019年1—3月多源观测资料对北京冬奥会张家口赛区气温与风时空分布特征进行统计分析,并对不同环流背景下温度和风的特征进行了对比研究。结果表明:张家口赛区气温分布受太阳辐射差异与海拔高度的共同制约,盆地或山谷温度日较差大,且逆温现象明显。环境风和日变温影响逆温强度,风速越小,逆温强度越大。赛区风速具有明显日变化特征,中午前后最大,夜间最小。均压场下,古杨树赛场昼夜风向转换明显,而云顶赛场无明显昼夜风向变化;日落后赛区温度开始建立逆温结构,在日出前达到最强,日出后逆温迅速减弱消失,云顶赛场逆温强度弱于古杨树赛场。有较强冷空气活动时,气温随海拔高度增加而降低,两赛场风向均无明显昼夜变化。
Abstract:Based on multi-source observation data during January-March in 2019, the spatio-temporal distribution characteristics of temperature and wind in Zhangjiakou Olympic Area for the Beijing 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games are analyzed, especially for their diurnal variations under different synoptic backgrounds. It is shown that the characteristics of temperature and wind are affected both by differences in solar radiation and topographic altitudes. Additionally, the diurnal temperature range in the basin or valley, where temperature inversion phenomena are frequently observed, is significantly larger than that on the mountain top. Meanwhile, temperature inversion intensity is closely related to daily temperature changes and background winds, and the extent of temperature inversion tends to be deeper as environmental wind speed decreases. On the other hand, diurnal variations of wind speed can be clearly seen in the studied area. Winds tend to strengthen in the daytime and reach their peaks in the afternoon, and minimum winds appear at night on average. Local and thermally-driven circulations are dominant under weak synoptic patterns. An obvious shift in wind direction between day and night can be seen in Guyangshu Basin but not in Genting Snow Park. At the same time, cold air tends to accumulate at the basin bottom on nightfall and bring temperature inversion phenomena in the basin, which usually reach their peaks before sunrise and weaken or disappear rapidly after sunrise under weak synoptic circumstances. It is observed that the extent of temperature inversion in Guyangshu Basin is much greater than that in Genting Snow Park. However, there seems to be no diurnal changes in wind direction in both Guyangshu Basin and Genting Snow Park under the influence of cold air, and temperature also decreases monotonously with the increase of altitudes in such a condition.
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LI Jiarui,FU Jiaolan,TAO Yiwei,ZHANG Hengde,LI Rong,DONG Quan,HU Yi,2022.Temperature and Wind Characteristic Analysis in Zhangjiakou Olympic Area for the Winter Olympic Games[J].Meteor Mon,48(2):149-161.