(新疆阿勒泰地区气象局,阿勒泰 836500; 新疆气象台,乌鲁木齐 830002)
Water Vapor Characteristics of Rainstorm in Southern Taklimakan Desert Based on HYSPLIT Model Analysis
ZHUANG Xiaocui,LI Boyuan,ZHAO Jiangwei,ZHANG Yunhui,ZHANG Linmei
(Altai Meteorological Office of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Altai 836500; Meteorological Observatory of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Urumqi 830002)
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投稿时间:2021-07-04    修订日期:2022-01-18
中文摘要: 利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,分析了2001—2020年5—9月(暖季)塔克拉玛干沙漠南缘(简称沙漠南缘)发生的5次暴雨天气大尺度环流背景和水汽特征,再运用HYSPLIT模式(拉格朗日)方法模拟计算了该区域暴雨天气的水汽轨迹、主要路径及不同源地的水汽贡献。结果表明:暴雨天气的水汽源地主要来自西南亚、中亚、北疆;水汽自源地出发经巴基斯坦北部、印度西北部、阿富汗东北部(简称IPA关键区)和南疆关键区,分别从西南和偏北路径进入暴雨区,途经南疆关键区的水汽来源对暴雨的贡献较大。沙漠南缘暴雨过程中,大气中层(500 hPa)的水汽主要源自西南亚,但沿途损失很大,而低层(700 hPa)的主要水汽贡献来自北疆,且沿途损失较小。来自北疆和南疆盆地的水汽主要从近地层输送至700 hPa;来自西南亚、大西洋及其沿岸等地的水汽主要输送至700 hPa以上。基于上述特征,建立了沙漠南缘暴雨过程水汽来源及路径的三维结构模型,并对各层水汽贡献和来源做了更细致的描述。
Abstract:Based on the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data, the large scale circulation background and water vapor characteristics of five rainstorm processes in the southern margin of the Taklimakan Desert during May-September (warm season) in 2001-2020 are analyzed and then HYSPLIT (Lagrangian method) method is used to calculate the water vapor trajectory and main path as well as the water vapor contribution of different sources. The results show that the water vapor sources of the rainstorms are mainly the Southwest Asia, central Asia and northern Xinjiang. Water vapor from the source areas passes through northern Pakistan, northwest India, northeast Afghanistan (IPA) and the key areas of southern Xinjiang, respectively into the rainstorm areas from the southwest and north path, the water vapor passing through the key areas of southern Xinjiang contributes a lot to the rainstorm. During the rainstorms on the southern edge of the desert, water vapor in the middle layer of the atmosphere (500 hPa) originates mainly from Southwest Asia, but there is a lot of loss along the way. While in the lower layer (700 hPa), the main contribution of water vapor is from northern Xinjiang, and the loss along the way is small. The water vapor from the northern and southern Xinjiang Basins is mainly transported to 700 hPa from the near surface layer. The water vapor from Southwest Asia, the Atlantic Ocean and its coast is transported to the height above 700 hPa. Based on the above features,the three dimensional structure model of water vapor source and path during rainstorm process on the southern edge of the desert is established, and also a more detailed descriptions of the contribution and source of each layer of water vapor are provided.
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ZHUANG Xiaocui,LI Boyuan,ZHAO Jiangwei,ZHANG Yunhui,ZHANG Linmei,2022.Water Vapor Characteristics of Rainstorm in Southern Taklimakan Desert Based on HYSPLIT Model Analysis[J].Meteor Mon,48(3):311-323.