(福建省灾害性天气重点实验室,福州 350001;福建省气象台,福州 350001;福建省气象服务中心,福州 350001;南京信息工程大学气象灾害预报预警与评估协同创新中心,南京 210044;厦门市气象局,厦门 361012)
Analysis of Three Dimensional Lightning and Dual-Polarization Radar Echo Characteristics of Hail Cloud over Fujian
RUAN Yue,HUANG Huilin,WEI Ming,PAN Jiawen,CHEN Qiuping
(Fujian Key Laboratory of Severe Weather, Fuzhou 350001;Fujian Meteorological Observatory, Fuzhou 350001;Fujian Meteorological Service Center, Fuzhou 350001;Collaborative Innovation Center on Forecast and Evaluation of Meteorological Disasters, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing 210044;Xiamen Meteorological Bureau, Xiamen 361012)
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投稿时间:2021-02-01    修订日期:2022-01-16
中文摘要: 为了深入认识冰雹云中闪电的演变特征及云物理机制,利用VLF/LF三维闪电监测资料,结合S波段双偏振雷达、地面观测等资料,采用统计、对比方法,对福建2017—2020年31个冰雹单体闪电特征进行了分析。结果表明:降雹前闪电频数峰值约有2/3在50次·(6 min)-1以上,80%冰雹云地面降雹出现在闪电峰值后的3~25 min;降雹前总闪电频数出现跃增,70%雹暴单体频数平均递增率达4 次·min-1以上,闪电快速跃增提前于降雹前6~40 min;云闪频数在成熟阶段最多,发展阶段最少;冰雹单体三个阶段云闪集中分布在2~6 km高度层;差分反射率因子(Zdr)、相关系数(CC)等参数及粒子相态识别分析表明雹云降雹前融化层以上由冰雹和霰组成,融化层下由干、湿冰雹和雨粒子组成,低层则主要由湿冰雹和中大雨粒子组成;闪电频数、正地闪或正云闪占比率与回波强度、最强回波高度、强回波伸展高度呈正相关。结合了闪电资料与双偏振雷达参量,为识别冰雹云体演变及雷电预警提供参考。
Abstract:Based on VLF/LF three-dimensional lightning monitoring data, combined with S-band dual-polarization radar and ground observation data, the lightning characteristics of 31 hail cells in Fujian during 2017-2020 are analyzed by using statistical analysis and comparative analysis methods. The results show that before hailing, about two thirds of the lightning frequency peaks are more than 50 times per 6 min, and 80% hail cloud surface hail falls behind 3-25 min after the occurrence of the lightning peak. The total lightning frequency increases sharply before hail, and 70% of the hail storm cell average increase rate is more than 4 times per minute, and the time of lightning rapid jump ahead of hail is mostly 6-40 min. Cloud flash occurs the most in the mature stage of the three stages and the least in the developing stage. The results show that, before hail falling, above melting layer, the hail cloud is composed of hail and graupel, and under the melting layer, it is composed of dry hail, wet hail and rain particles, while the lower layer is mainly composed of wet hail. The lightning intensity is closely related to the echo intensity, the strongest echo height and the strong echo spreading height. These results could provide some references for hail recognition and lightning warning.
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RUAN Yue,HUANG Huilin,WEI Ming,PAN Jiawen,CHEN Qiuping,2022.Analysis of Three Dimensional Lightning and Dual-Polarization Radar Echo Characteristics of Hail Cloud over Fujian[J].Meteor Mon,48(4):442-451.