(中国气象局气象干部培训学院湖北分院,武汉 430074;中国气象局气象干部培训学院,北京 100081)
Analysis of a Rare Severe Hailstorm Event in Southwest Hubei at the End of Winter
TANG Xingzhi,YU Xiaoding,XIONG Qiufen,WANG Xiuming,WANG Wenyu
(Hubei Branch of China Meteorological Administration Training Centre, Wuhan 430074;China Meteorological Administration Training Centre, Beijing 100081)
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投稿时间:2021-03-10    修订日期:2022-01-08
中文摘要: 利用常规观测资料、多普勒天气雷达和风廓线雷达资料,对一次罕见的鄂西南冬季强冰雹(直径1~3 cm)天气过程进行了分析,结果表明:强冰雹产生在上干冷、下暖湿,低空辐合、高空辐散的环流背景下,地面中尺度辐合和“喇叭口”的有利地形,给冷锋前暖区对流性天气提供了触发机制;地面冷锋南下伴随的垂直风切变增强有利于已经生成的对流风暴的维持和加强。强冰雹分别由孤立的超级单体和超级单体复合体(多单体结构中含有占支配地位的超级单体)产生。比较而言,孤立的超级单体发展更为高大,持续时间更长。风暴具有中气旋、高悬的强回波、低层入流、弱回波区与回波悬垂、中层径向辐合、风暴顶强辐散等超级单体风暴的典型特征;垂直累积液态含水量及其密度分别较长时间维持在35 kg·m-2和4 g·m-3以上的冬季高值;新一代天气雷达冰雹探测算法输出的冰雹指数产品预测到高概率的强冰雹。此次过程出现在冬末,虽然对流出现之后呈现出典型的风暴结构,可以提前10~30 min做出强冰雹的临近预警,但对于对流出现之前的提前数小时的强冰雹短时潜势预报而言,常用做判断强降雹潜势的探空特征(包括对流有效位能、0~6 km垂直风切变以及融化层高度)关键参数值非常不典型,会误导预报员忽视冰雹潜势的判断,预报员在这种环境背景下进行强对流天气潜势分析时,需要格外慎重和深入分析,才能得到正确预报结果。
Abstract:Based on conventional observation data, Doppler weather radar data and wind profile radar data, a rare severe hailstorm event (1-3 cm in diameter) in Southwest Hubei at the end of winter is analyzed in detail. The results show that the severe hailstorm was produced under the circulation background of upper cold-dry and lower warm-wet and low-altitude convergence and high-altitude divergence. Convective weather was triggered by mesoscale convergence on the ground with favourable terrain at the trumpet and intensified by cold front. Strong vertical wind shear in the lower level was favorable for the formed convective strong storm to maintain and strengthen. The severe hails were produced by isolated supercells and dominant supercells in multicells. In comparison, the isolated supercells were larger and persisted longer. The structures of the supercells reflected typical features such as mesocyclone, high mass center, low-level inflow, weak echo zone and echo drape, middle-level radial convergence and storm-top divergence, etc. The vertically integrated liquid (VIL) and the VIL density maintained high above 35 kg·m-2 and 4 g ·m-3 for a long time in the winter. The hail index of radar algorithm predicts the severe hail with high probability. This process occurred at the end of winter. The typical storm structure showed up after the emergence of convection, and the early warning of hail could be made 10-30 minutes in advance. However, for the short-time potential forecast of severe hail several hours in advance before the occurrence of severe convection, the key parameters (such as CAPE, 0-6 km vertical wind shear and melting layer height) for judging the potential of severe hail are not typical, which will mislead forecasters to ignore the hail potential judgment. Forecasters need to be extremely cautious and do in-depth analysis when conducting potential analysis of severe convective weather in this environmental background, so as to obtain correct forecast results.
文章编号:     中图分类号:    文献标志码:
TANG Xingzhi,YU Xiaoding,XIONG Qiufen,WANG Xiuming,WANG Wenyu,2022.Analysis of a Rare Severe Hailstorm Event in Southwest Hubei at the End of Winter[J].Meteor Mon,48(5):618-632.