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(中国气象科学研究院,北京 100081; 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,北京 100101)
A Human Climate Comfort Index Model Based on the Climatic Characteristics and Human Thermal Sensations in China
TAN Kaiyan,MIN Qingwen,WANG Peijuan
(Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, Beijing 100081; Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101)
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投稿时间:2021-03-08    修订日期:2022-05-16
中文摘要: 气候舒适指数是开展天气舒适度预报和旅游与康养气候适宜性评价的基础。为了发展适于我国应用的天气舒适度预报和旅游气候适宜性评价模型,基于前人关于气象要素与人体热舒适性关系研究成果,结合对我国天气气候特征和问卷调查数据研究,提出了一种新的人体气候舒适度评价模型——室外天气舒适指数(OWCI),其由白天平均气温、最高气温、湿度、风速及日照共5个气象要素对人体舒适性影响评价子项组合而成,并在湿度、风速和日照子项中体现了温度对各要素作用的影响,因此OWCI可以更好地刻画各种天气条件下白天人体舒适度。根据问卷调查数据验证和实例对比表明,OWCI模型较客观、准确地反映了各种天气气候条件下人群对室外天气舒适度的主观评价,比现有常用经验指数更广泛地适用于我国不同气候区和季节。模型可应用于具有基本气象要素观测或预测值的任何地点,其指数值可进行时空统计与比较,方便用于气候舒适性时空评价和气候变化影响评估。OWCI模型为开展全国性天气舒适度预报和旅游与康养气候适宜性评价提供了一种先进实用的算法工具。
Abstract:The climate comfort index is the basis of the forecast of weather comfort degree and climate suitability assessment for tourism. Various bioclimatic indices have been developed with their own purposes. However, they could not be able to accurately describe human comfort perception to different weather conditions in various climate zones in China. To fill this gap, a new universal and semi-empirical climate comfort indicator (outdoor weather comfort index, OWCI) is proposed based on the previous results on the relationships between meteorological elements and human thermal comfort and the analysis of meteorological element characteristics in different regions of China and questionnaires. The OWCI model consists of five components that describe the impacts of daily average and maximum temperatures, humidity, wind speed and radiation on human comfort perception, respectively. The impact of the temperature on the effects of humidity, wind and sunshine is taken into account. The OWCI allows for more weather elements and interactions between them than the empirical models in use so far, so it could depict its capability of capturing human comfort perception in the daytime. Verification questionnaires and case studies in different climatic regions in China show that the OWCI could reflect the subjective comfort perception of respondents much more accurately under various weather conditions. Therefore, it could be more widely applied in different seasons and climate zones across China wherever the basic meteorological data are available. Furthermore, the data of OWCI are suitable for statistical analysis, which is conducive to spatiotemporal evaluation and assessment of climate change impacts on comfort perception.
文章编号:     中图分类号:    文献标志码:
TAN Kaiyan,MIN Qingwen,WANG Peijuan,2022.A Human Climate Comfort Index Model Based on the Climatic Characteristics and Human Thermal Sensations in China[J].Meteor Mon,48(7):913-924.