(中国气象局兰州干旱研究所/甘肃省干旱气候变化与减灾重点实验室,兰州 730020;甘肃省人工影响天气办公室,兰州 730020;甘肃省气象服务中心,兰州 730020;兰州市气象局,兰州 730020;四川省人工影响天气办公室,成都 610072)
A Large UAV Artificial Precipitation Enhancement Experiment and Physical Response Analysis of the Cloud Seeding Processes
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投稿时间:2021-05-31    修订日期:2022-03-04
中文摘要: 采用大型无人机开展人工增雨作业具有较好的应用前景。利用2020年10月27日大型无人机试验资料,分析了无人机作业性能及人工增雨微物理参量变化特征。结果表明:无人机操控灵活,具备较好的防除冰和抗侧风能力,作业、探测时长达5 h以上,可在大范围开展人工增雨及探测工作。催化作业后水平探测的云粒子微物理量呈现出浓度和直径增加的特征,低层粒子浓度明显高于高层;催化前后云微物理特征的变化与选取的云体位置及时间有很大关系。在催化作业结束后20~30 min 内,地面降水现象仪中雨滴数浓度先减小后增大,而粒子有效直径持续增加;受催化影响,云粒子谱呈现大云粒子增加、降水粒子谱拓宽的特征。
Abstract:With the bright prospects of application of large unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) in artificial precipitation enhancement operation, an UAV artificial precipitation enhancement experiment was carried out in Qilian Mountains.This paper discusses the UAV operating performance and analyzes the change characteristics of the microphysical parameters during the cloud seeding processes on 27 October 2020. The results show that the UAV has the ability of large-scale artificial precipitation enhancement and detection with more than 5 h endurance and good anti-deicing and crosswind resistance capabilities. After the cloud seeding processes, concentration and diameter of cloud particles get increased in every level, and the concentration of low-level cloud particles is significantly higher than that of high level. The change of cloud microphysical characteristics before and after seeding operation is related to cloud position and time to select. Within 20-30 min after the seeding, the concentration of the number of raindrops at the ground decreased at first and then increased, while the effective diameter of the particles continued to increase. The cloud particle spectrum showed the characteristics of an increase in large cloud particles, and the precipitation particle spectrum was broadened.
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,2022.A Large UAV Artificial Precipitation Enhancement Experiment and Physical Response Analysis of the Cloud Seeding Processes[J].Meteor Mon,48(8):1053-1061.