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(中国气象局沈阳大气环境研究所,沈阳 110166; 辽宁省农业气象灾害重点实验室,沈阳 110166)
Advances in Quantifying the Ratio of Transpiration to Evapotranspiration in Terrestrial Ecosystems and Its Spatiotemporal Heterogeneity
YU Wenying,JI Ruipeng,JIA Qingyu,FENG Rui,WU Jinwen,ZHANG Yushu
(Institute of Atmospheric Environment, CMA, Shenyang 110166; Key Laboratory of Agrometeorological Disasters, Liaoning Province, Shenyang 110166)
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投稿时间:2021-08-24    修订日期:2022-05-17
中文摘要: 蒸腾蒸散比(T/ET)是阐明陆地生态系统水分散失过程中植被作用的关键参量,蒸散及其组分的准确量化是生态水文研究的基础,有助于理解蒸散与气候变化的相互作用机制。总结了国内外T/ET观测和模拟方法及其量化结果的差异,梳理了森林、草原、湿地和农田4种陆地生态系统T/ET的研究成果,阐述了不同类型陆地生态系统T/ET的时空异质性及其驱动因素。不同生态系统T/ET的差异来源于生态系统特性、时空差异、观测方法和模型或数据集选取,但各差异来源对其的贡献率还未有统一定论;T/ET的变化主要依赖于生态类型、冠层特征、气候、土壤等条件,不同时空尺度的生态系统T/ET驱动因素不同。因此,针对T/ET量化方法开展不确定研究,阐明不同陆地生态系统T/ET的时空异质性,揭示其变化规律及驱动机制将是未来的研究重点。
Abstract:The ratio of transpiration to evapotranspiration (T/ET) is a key parameter to illustrate the role of vegetation in controlling water loss in terrestrial systems. Quantifying evapotranspiration and its components is a key to understand the dynamics and mechanism of evapotranspiration and it is the basis for studying the eco-hydrological process. This paper reviews the research progress of T/ET quantification methods (measurement methods and model methods), T/ET results in different ecosystems and their driving mechanisms (climate change and vegetation cover). The methods are introduced in T/ET observation and simulation developed at home and aboard, and the results of different methods are compared. The values of T/ET are described in four types of terrestrial ecosystems, including forest, grassland, wetland and farmland. There are significant differences in T/ET in the same or even in the different ecosystems, which are mainly due to the differences in ecosystem types, spatial and temporal scales, selection of data set, observation and simulation methods. The main driving mechanisms of T/ET included vegetation type, vegetation cover, climate factors and soil factors. In the future, uncertainty studies around different quantification methods of T/ET, changing patterns and driving mechanisms of T/ET in different terrestrial ecosystems will be emphasized.
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YU Wenying,JI Ruipeng,JIA Qingyu,FENG Rui,WU Jinwen,ZHANG Yushu,2022.Advances in Quantifying the Ratio of Transpiration to Evapotranspiration in Terrestrial Ecosystems and Its Spatiotemporal Heterogeneity[J].Meteor Mon,48(10):1217-1229.