(国家气象中心,北京 100081; 南京气象科技创新研究院/中国气象局交通气象重点开放实验室,南京 210041;宁波市环境监测中心,宁波 315012)
Influence Mechanisms and Weather Patterns of Air Pollution Episodes in Jinan
JIANG Qi,GUI Hailin,HUA Cong,ZHANG Bihui,XU Ran,HE Jiabao,LYU Mengyao
(National Meteorological Centre, Beijing 100081;Key Laboratory of Transportation Meteorology, CMA/Nanjing Joint Institute for Atmospheric Sciences, Nanjing 210041; Environment Monitoring Centre of Ningbo, Ningbo 315012)
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投稿时间:2021-05-22    修订日期:2022-05-18
中文摘要: 对济南市大气污染与气象要素以及高低空天气系统配置的相关关系进行研究,形成大气污染的天气学概念模型,并探讨不同强度冷空气过程对济南市大气污染物的生消作用。主要结论为:2016—2018年,济南市75%以上的PM2.5污染日出现在地面均压场中。在天气类型出现概率均等的前提下,污染天气出现概率最高的地面天气类型为倒槽型(>55%),其次为均压场型(26.8%)。500 hPa为脊区控制型、平直西风带型、反气旋型、槽后型和槽前型时,均有>25%的概率出现PM2.5污染。济南市PM2.5污染概率最大(>50%)的高低空配置为地面倒槽配合高空槽后型,其次为倒槽配合平直西风带型以及均压场配合槽后型。平均情况下,PM2.5污染时混合层高度低于1000 m,达到重度污染时小于800 m。污染时段相对湿度均值分布在65%±20%,温度均值为6℃±1℃。不同强度冷空气对污染物影响复杂,较强冷空气(ΔT24 h>4.3℃,Δp24 h>4.74 hPa)持续一定的时长(>3.5 m·s-1的北风持续超过9.6 h),可将污染物彻底清除。强度稍弱的冷空气可能使污染改善,而较弱的冷空气(北风风速较小,但有一定的降温和升压体现)可能在传输作用下使得污染物浓度不降反增。
Abstract:In this paper, the correlation between air pollution and meteorological elements and the configuration of high- and low-altitude weather systems in Jinan City is discussed, a synoptic conceptual model of Jinan air pollution is formed, and the effects of cold air processes of different intensities on the generation and elimination of air pollutants in Jinan City are studied. The results show that during 2016-2018 more than 75% of PM2.5 pollution episodes in Jinan City occurred in the surface uniform pressure field. If the occurrence probability of each weather pattern was equal, the surface weather pattern with the highest occurrence probability of pollution episodes was the inverted trough pattern (>55%), followed by the uniform pressure field pattern (26.8%). Moreover, there was a more than 25% occurrence probability of PM2.5 pollution when the 500 hPa circulation was controlled by such weather systems, i.e., the ridge, straight westerlies, anticyclone, behind the trough and in front of the trough. The circulation configuration at upper and lower levels with the greatest probability of PM2.5 pollution (>50%) in Jinan City was the type of the surface inverted trough and behind the upper-level trough, followed by the type of the surface inverted trough and the upper-level straight westerlies, and the type of the surface uniform pressure field and behind the upper-level trough. For the average, the mixed layer height was below 1000 m during PM2.5 pollution episodes and was less than 800 m under heavy pollution. During pollution periods, the average relative humidity is 65%±20%, and the average temperature was 6℃±1℃. The effect of cold air with different intensities on the pollutant episodes was complex. The stronger cold air (ΔT24 h>4.3℃, Δp24 h>4.74 hPa) with a certain duration, such as the northerly wind greater than 3.5 m·s-1 lasting more than 9.6 h, can remove pollutants completely. The slightly weaker cold air may be beneficial to reduce pollutant concentration. However, the weak cold air with a lower northerly wind speed may instead increase the pollutant concentration due to the transport of pollutants.
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JIANG Qi,GUI Hailin,HUA Cong,ZHANG Bihui,XU Ran,HE Jiabao,LYU Mengyao,2022.Influence Mechanisms and Weather Patterns of Air Pollution Episodes in Jinan[J].Meteor Mon,48(10):1281-1291.