(四川省气象灾害防御技术中心,成都 610072;四川省气象台,成都 610072;中国气象局成都高原气象研究所, 成都 610072;高原与盆地气象灾害四川省重点实验室,成都 610072)
Circulation Background and Structural Characteristics of the Southwest Vortex Inducing Extreme Rainstorm in Sichuan Basin
ZHOU Chunhua,XIAO Dixiang,YU Shuhua
(Sichuan Meteorological Disaster Prevention Technology Center, Chengdu 610072;Sichuan Meteorological Observatory, Chengdu 610072;Chengdu Institute of Plateau Meteorology, CMA, Chengdu 610072;Heavy Rain and Drought-Flood Disaster in Plateau and Basin Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province, Chengdu 610072)
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投稿时间:2021-11-18    修订日期:2022-09-07
中文摘要: 利用降雨实况和EAR5再分析资料,统计1981—2020年四川盆地出现的19次西南涡诱发极端暴雨个例,对其发生的环流背景和西南涡结构特征进行动态合成分析,结果表明:西南涡诱发极端暴雨过程中,西南涡生命史为48~132 h,极端暴雨一般是在西南涡生成后18 h内开始。形成西南涡的环流背景可分为东高西低型和西风波动型两类;东高西低型南亚高压和西太平洋副热带高压(简称副高)均较强,500 hPa贝加尔湖低槽南端与高原低槽叠加形成深厚低槽,四川盆地位于槽前和副高西侧;西风波动型副高位于140°E以东,南压高压较东高西低型更偏西偏南,四川盆地受青藏高原低槽东移影响;两种类型均存在一支孟加拉湾—南海—四川盆地的水汽输送通道,其中东高西低型水汽输送更强。东高西低型背景下西南涡强度更强、范围更大,在垂直方向上具有深厚暖心结构,风场不对称分布深厚;西风波动型背景下西南涡具有“上冷-中暖-下较冷”的温度异常分布,风场不对称性仅维持在低层;两种类型共同特征是低层显著高能高湿,正涡度柱内为“低层辐合-高层辐散”动力结构。
Abstract:Based on rainfall observation and EAR5 reanalysis data, 19 cases of extreme rainstorms induced by southwest vortex and seen in Sichuan Basin from 1981 to 〖JP2〗2020 are statistically analyzed, and the dynamic〖JP〗 synthesis analysis on the circulation background and the structural characteristics of the southwest vortex are carried out. The results show that the life time of the southwest vortex lasts for 48-132 h, and the extreme rainstorm generally breaks out within 18 hours 〖JP2〗after the southwest vortex is formed. The circulation〖JP〗 background of southwest vortex can be divided into two types: the east high west low type and the low trough type. The South Asian high and the subtropical high are strong in the east high west low type. The southern end of the 500 hPa Lake Baikal low trough is superimposed with the plateau low trough to form a deep low trough. Sichuan Basin is located in front of the trough and on the west side of the subtropical high. The low trough type is located in the east of 140°E of the subtropical high, and the South Asian high is more westward and southward than the east high west low type. Sichuan Basin is affected by the eastward shift of the low trough of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. The both types have the water vapor transport channel from the Bay of Bengal to South China Sea to Sichuan Basin, and the water vapor transport of the east high west low type is much stronger. Under the background of east high west low type, the southwest vortex is stronger in intensity and larger in scope, having a deep warm core structure in the vertical direction, and a deep asymmetric distribution of the wind field. Under the background of the low trough type, the southwest vortex has a temperature anomalous distribution of “cold in the upper part-warm in the middle-cooler in the lower part”, and the asymmetry of the wind field is only maintained at the lower level. The common features of the two types are the high energy and high humidity in the lower layer, and the positive vorticity column has a “convergence in the lower layer and divergence in the upper layer” dynamic structure.
文章编号:     中图分类号:    文献标志码:
ZHOU Chunhua,XIAO Dixiang,YU Shuhua,2022.Circulation Background and Structural Characteristics of the Southwest Vortex Inducing Extreme Rainstorm in Sichuan Basin[J].Meteor Mon,48(12):1577-1589.