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(国家气候中心,中国气象局气候研究开放实验室,北京 100081)
Global Significant Weather and Climate Events in 2022
LIU Yuan,LI Ying,GUO Zengyuan,ZHANG Yingxian,CHEN Yixiao,DING Ting,WANG Guofu
(Laboratory for Climate Studies, National Climate Centre, CMA, Beijing 100081)
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投稿时间:2023-03-11    修订日期:2023-08-14
中文摘要: 2022年,全球平均温度比工业化前水平高出约1.15℃(±0.13℃),是第五暖年。全球海平面继续上升,且加速上升趋势明显。北极海冰面积低于常年值,南极海冰面积创下历史新低。巴基斯坦、韩国、印度、孟加拉国、澳大利亚东部、巴西和非洲中部和南部地区遭受暴雨洪涝;北非地区和东非大部分地区发生严重干旱;欧洲、中国、美国、日本、巴基斯坦和印度等地遭遇创纪录的高温热浪;北美和欧洲遭受寒流和暴风雪侵袭;强对流天气频繁袭击世界各地;全球共生成40个热带气旋,数量和强度均低于历史平均水平。成因分析表明,7月北半球副热带高压带异常强大以及欧洲上空持续的极强暖高压,西欧地区整个对流层盛行下沉气流,造成欧洲多地出现破纪录的高温热浪;7—8月西太平洋副热带高压异常强大且偏西,孟加拉湾地区东部的水汽输送路径折向印度北部和巴基斯坦,在南亚和东亚夏季风的共同作用下低层水汽辐合极为强盛,导致了极端降水事件的长时段维持和严重洪灾的发生。
Abstract:In 2022, the global mean temperature was about 1.15℃ (±0.13℃) above pre-industrial levels, making it the fifth warmest year. Sea level continued to rise in an upward trend. Arctic Sea ice was below normal and Antarctic Sea ice reached a record low. Pakistan, South Korea, India, Bangladesh, eastern Australia, Brazil, and central and southern Africa suffered rainstorm and floods. The Sahel Region and most of East Africa experienced severe drought. Europe, China, United States, Japan, Pakistan and India experienced record-breaking heat waves. North America and Europe were hit by cold surges and snow storms. Severe convective weather frequently hit parts of the world. A total of 40 tropical cyclones were generated around the world, the number and intensity of which were both lower than the climatic average. Causal analysis indicates that in July, the abnormally strong subtropical high belt in the Northern Hemisphere, along with the persistent and intense warm high-pressure system over Europe, resulted in prevailing subsiding air currents throughout the European Region’s troposphere. This led to record-breaking heat waves across multiple areas in Europe. From July to August, the abnormally strong and westward-shifted western Pacific subtropical high system, along with a redirection of moisture transport from the eastern part of the Bay of Bengal towards northern India and Pakistan, led to intense lower-level moisture convergence with the combined action of the South Asian and East Asian summer monsoons. This prolonged the maintenance of extreme precipitation events and led to the occurrence of severe flood disasters.
文章编号:     中图分类号:P461    文献标志码:
LIU Yuan,LI Ying,GUO Zengyuan,ZHANG Yingxian,CHEN Yixiao,DING Ting,WANG Guofu,2023.Global Significant Weather and Climate Events in 2022[J].Meteor Mon,49(9):1142-1148.