(中国气象局气象探测中心,北京 100081; 福建省大气探测技术保障中心,福州 350008; 中国海洋大学信息科学与工程学部海洋技术学院,青岛 266101; 青岛镭测创芯科技有限公司,青岛 266101)
Research and Analysis of Mountain-Valley Wind Circulation in Wuyi Mountains Based on Ground-Based and Spaceborne Lidar Technology
REN Yong,ZHANG Xuefen,WU Songhua,WU Xuefei,REN Simin
(CMA Meteorological Observation Centre, Beijing 100081; Fujian Atmospheric Detection Technology Support Center, Fuzhou 350008; College of Marine Technology, Faculty of Information Science and Engineering, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266101; Qingdao Leice Transient Technology Co., Ltd., Qingdao 266101)
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投稿时间:2022-04-19    修订日期:2023-07-19
中文摘要: 山谷风是一种热力驱动产生的局地环流,武夷山市三面环山,中部为丘陵地带,使得该地常年盛行山谷风。基于地面气象观测站、边界层测风激光雷达及激光雷达卫星Aeolus数据研究了武夷山山谷风环流特征。结果表明,夏季出现山谷风日天数最多,山谷风日出现时大气日变化特征显著,表现为山风出现的时间段,以偏北风为主,风速较小,低空激光雷达回波信号较强,气流运动以下沉为主,垂直方向上形成环流圈;谷风阶段,以偏南风为主,较山风阶段风速有所增强,低空激光雷达回波信号减弱,以上升气流为主;激光雷达数据融合的风廓线可见,武夷山非山谷风日常出现在对流层中低层盛行偏南风的天气形势下,偏南风将水汽输送至当地,使得当地低空被较厚云层覆盖或出现降水过程,从而削弱了山地与谷地的热力差异,局地环流被打破,山谷风环流无法形成。
Abstract:The mountain-valley circulation is a local circulation driven by thermal energy. Wuyishan City is surrounded by mountains on three sides and the center is a hilly area, making the mountain-valley circulation prevalent throughout the year. Based on the data of surface observation station, boundary wind-detecting lidar, and Aeolus (Atmospheric Dynamics Mission Aeolus) lidar satellite, this paper analyzes the characteristics of mountain-valley circulation in Wuyi Mountains. The results show that the mountain-valley wind days are the most in summer. The diurnal variation characteristics of atmosphere in mountain-valley wind days are significant. During the period of mountain wind, the primary wind direction is northerly, the wind speed is small, the low-altitude lidar signal-noise ratio is strong, and vertical movement of air is mainly sinking, forming a circulation cycle in the vertical direction. Oppositely, the valley wind period is dominated by the southerly wind, which is stronger than that in the mountain wind period, the low-altitude lidar signal-noise ratio is weakened, and the vertical movement is dominated by updraft. According to the wind profile of the lidar data fusion, the non-valley wind days in Wuyi Mountains appear under the weather conditions in which southerly wind prevails in the middle and lower layers of troposphere. The southerly wind transports water vapor to the local area, causing the local low altitude to be covered by thicker clouds or precipitation, thus weakening the thermal difference between mountains and valleys, which breaks the local thermal circulation, so mountain-valley wind cannot form.
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REN Yong,ZHANG Xuefen,WU Songhua,WU Xuefei,REN Simin,2023.Research and Analysis of Mountain-Valley Wind Circulation in Wuyi Mountains Based on Ground-Based and Spaceborne Lidar Technology[J].Meteor Mon,49(10):1203-1214.