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(大理国家气候观象台,云南大理 671003; 中国气象局大理山地气象野外科学试验基地,云南大理 671003)
Diurnal Variation of Wet Season Precipitation at Different Altitudes of Cangshan Mountain in Dali
DONG Baoju,XU Anlun,SU Jinlan
(Dali National Climate Observatory, Yunnan, Dali 671003; Dali Mountain Meteorological Field Experiment Base, CMA, Yunnan, Dali 671003)
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投稿时间:2022-05-27    修订日期:2023-08-08
中文摘要: 基于大理国家气候观象台苍山洱海梯度观测系统2011—2020年湿季小时降水资料,分析山顶、山腰和坝区3个站的降水日变化特征。结果显示:降水量日变化,坝区站呈现单峰型,山腰站和山顶站则是双峰型;降水频次日变化,坝区站和山顶站为单峰型,山腰站日变化比较平缓;各时次的降水量、降水频次基本随海拔高度的增加而增多;降水强度日变化,山顶站为双峰型,坝区站和山腰站波动较大,午后为小值区,夜间为大值区,3个站在14:00—17:00的降水强度相差不大,而其他时段山腰站和坝区站的降水强度比山顶站大。夜间降水量在持续时间2~16h是大值区,随海拔的增加降水量大值区持续时间较长;白天降水量在持续时间小于6h是大值区,随海拔的增加,大值出现的时间向后移。降水频次在持续时间小于6h,3个站在白天、夜间分别有一个大值区,而持续时间7~18h的只有山顶站夜间有大值区;坝区站和山顶站夜间降水频次大于白天降水频次,山腰站白天、夜间降水频次相差不大。长历时(中历时、短历时)的累计降水量、降水频次随海拔高度的增加而增大(减小);3个站长历时降水量(长历时降水频次)对总降水量(总降水频次)的贡献最大,贡献最小的是短历时降水量(中历时降水频次)。
Abstract:Based on the hourly precipitation data in the wet season during 2011-2020 from the gradient observation system between Cangshan Mountain and Erhai Lake of Dali National Climate Observatory, the diurnal variation characteristics of precipitation at the mountain top, hillside and dam area are analyzed. The results show that the diurnal variation of rainfall amount at the dam station presented one peak, while that at mountain side and hilltop stations presented two peaks. The diurnal variation of rainfall frequency at dam and hilltop stations displayed a single peak, while that at the hillside station was relatively stable. All hourly rainfall amount and rainfall frequency for a whole day basically increased with the rise of altitudes. The diurnal variation of rainfall intensity at hilltop station exhibited double peaks, while that the hillside and dam stations showed remarkable fluctuation with small values in the afternoon and large values over night. There were no significant differences in rainfall intensity from 14:00 BT to 17:00 BT among the three stations, but the rainfall intensities at the hillside and dam stations were obviously greater than that at the hilltop station during other periods. The rainfall amount with a duration of 2-16 h over night was a large value area, which maintained a longer duration with the rise of altitude. The rainfall amount with a duration of less than 6 h during the daytime was a large value area, and the occurrence of the large value was delayed with the increase of altitude. The rainfall frequencies at all the three stations had a large value area during the day (night) when the rainfall duration was less than 6 h, while that at the hilltop station only had a large value area at night when the duration was 7-18 h. The rainfall frequencies over night were greater than that during the day at the dam and hilltop stations, while there was little difference in the rainfall frequency during the day and night at the hillside station. The accumulated rainfall amount and frequency of long (medium and short) duration increased (decreased) with the increase of altitudes. The contribution of long duration rainfall amount (long duration rainfall frequency) to accumulated rainfall amount (accumulated rainfall frequency) at each station was the largest, but the contribution of short duration rainfall amount (medium duration rainfall frequency) was the least.
文章编号:     中图分类号:    文献标志码:
DONG Baoju,XU Anlun,SU Jinlan,2023.Diurnal Variation of Wet Season Precipitation at Different Altitudes of Cangshan Mountain in Dali[J].Meteor Mon,49(11):1405-1413.