(山东省气象局气象防灾减灾重点实验室,济南 250031; 山东省人民政府人工影响天气办公室,济南 250031;山东省气象科学研究所,济南 250031;山东省气象数据中心,济南 250031;山东省气象服务中心,济南 250031)
Distribution of Ice Crystal Characteristics of Cold Cloud in Shandong Province Based on Transfer Learning Method
WANG Shuo,ZHU Wengang,ZHANG Dianguo,WANG Hong,WANG Wenqing,YUAN Yahan,GAO Ronglu,LIU Quan
(Shandong Key Laboratory of Meteorological Disaster Prevention and Reduction, Jinan 250031;Shandong Weather Modification Office, Jinan 250031;Shandong Institute of Meteorological Sciences, Jinan 250031; Shandong Meteorological Data Center, Jinan 250031; Shandong Meteorological Service Center, Jinan 250031)
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投稿时间:2023-04-10    修订日期:2024-04-17
中文摘要: 为分析冷云中冰晶的分布特征,揭示冰晶增长演变机制,根据冰晶形状和尺度特征分为8类并进行标注,同时标注1类隔断栏进行数据质量控制,将9类标签图像整合并建立图像集,利用迁移学习VGGNet16方法进行识别训练,经训练模型分类准确率达98%。将模型应用到秋季冷云冰晶特征研究中,选取3次积层混合云和3次层状云降水过程,分析冰晶形状在不同温度区间的占比及冰晶谱变化特征,结果表明,温度通过影响冰晶基面与棱面的比值来决定冰晶初始形状分布,相同温度区间积层混合云内球状冰晶和线型冰晶占比高于层状云,低于-12℃后各类冰晶占比相对固定;积层混合云内线型冰晶直径集中在300~800 μm,冰晶谱呈多峰分布,聚合体直径大于600 μm,冰晶谱首尾两端浓度相当,球状冰晶直径集中在120~300 μm,冰晶谱呈单调下降趋势。
Abstract:In order to analyze the distribution characteristics of ice crystals in cold clouds and reveal the evolution mechanism of their growth, ice crystals are classified into 8 categories and labeled according to their shapes and sizes. At the same time, one type of partition column is labeled for data quality control. Then, the 9 types of labeled images are integrated to build an image dataset. The transfer learning VGGNet16 model is adopted for identification training, and the classification accuracy of the trained model reaches 98%. The model is applied to the study of ice crystal characteristics of cold clouds in autumn. Three cumulus-stratiform mixed cloud precipitation processes and three stratiform cloud precipitation processes in 2019 are selected to analyze the proportion of ice crystal shapes in different temperature ranges and the change characteristics of ice crystal size distribution. The results show that the initial shape distribution of ice crystal is determined by the temperature’s affecting the ratio of base surface to edge surface of ice crystals. In the same temperature range, the proportion of spherical ice crystals and linear ice crystals in cumulus-stratiform mixed clouds is higher than that in stratiform cloud, and the proportion of various ice crystals is relatively fixed when the temperature is below -12℃. In cumulus-stratiform mixed clouds, the diameters of linear ice crystals are concentrated in 300-800 μm with the ice crystal size distribution being multimodal. The diameters of aggregated ice crystals are greater than 600 μm. The concentrations at the beginning and the end of the ice crystal spectrum are equal. The diameters of spherical ice crystals are concentrated in the range of 120-300 μm, and the ice crystal size distribution shows a monotonically decreasing trend.
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基金项目:山东省自然科学基金项目(ZR2020MD055、ZR2022MD040、ZR2023MD002)、中国气象局创新发展专项(CXFZ2022J034、CXFZ2023J084)、人工智能气象应用技术创新团队(SDCXTD2023 3)和山东省气象局科研项目(2023sdqxz08、2022sdqxz13、2022SDQN03、2022sdqxm04)共同资助
WANG Shuo,ZHU Wengang,ZHANG Dianguo,WANG Hong,WANG Wenqing,YUAN Yahan,GAO Ronglu,LIU Quan,2024.Distribution of Ice Crystal Characteristics of Cold Cloud in Shandong Province Based on Transfer Learning Method[J].Meteor Mon,50(6):733-745.