(佛山市龙卷风研究中心/中国气象局龙卷风重点开放实验室,广东佛山 528000; 粤港澳大湾区气象研究院,广州 510610;广东省气象局,广州 510062)
Spatio-Temporal Distribution of Guangdong Tornadoes and Characteristics of Radar Echoes of Parent Storms
HUANG Xianxiang,YAN Lijun,BAI Lanqiang,ZHI Jiangling,ZHANG Jingjing,LI Zhaoming
(Foshan Tornado Research Center, CMA Tornado Key Laboratory, Guangdong, Foshan 528000; Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Academy of Meteorological Research, Guangzhou 510610;Guangdong Meteorological Service, Guangzhou 510062)
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投稿时间:2023-09-28    修订日期:2024-04-26
中文摘要: 基于《中国气象灾害大典》广东卷(1959—2000年)、广东省防灾减灾年鉴(2002—2022年)和近年来广东龙卷现场灾调记录等历史数据、常规观测、ERA5高分辨率再分析资料以及广东多普勒天气雷达(2006—2022年)等资料,分析1961—2022年广东龙卷的时空分布、天气背景和2006以来的龙卷对流风暴形态等气候统计特征。结果表明:近62年广东共有225个龙卷记录。其中,在多源观测资料较齐备的2006年以来,龙卷年均发生约6个,近50%发生在热带气旋影响天气背景下, 40%为西风带系统龙卷,还有约10%为热带扰动龙卷,但龙卷数量逐年波动很大,最高达17个(2008年),部分年份仅1个或无记录。广东龙卷主要发生在4—9月,4—6月主要为西风带系统龙卷,7—9月主要为热带气旋和热带扰动龙卷;约85%的龙卷发生于06—20时,14—18时为最高发时段(占比近40%)。龙卷最频发于珠三角、雷州半岛和潮汕平原一带,北部山区极少。其中,佛山、湛江和广州是广东龙卷最高发的3个城市。广东产生龙卷的对流形态中,约54%带状对流系统,为热带气旋和热带扰动龙卷母体风暴,其风暴结构呈现出低质心的特点;约36%多单体风暴系统,多数为西风带龙卷母体风暴;与美国龙卷易产生于孤立单体和准线状对流系统不同,广东产生龙卷的孤立对流单体和准线性对流系统相对频率很低,均仅约为5%,主要为西风带龙卷母体风暴,其风暴结构往往呈现出高质心的特点。超过90%的龙卷中尺度母体风暴具有低层中气旋,但仅约47%伴随低层龙卷涡旋特征(TVS)。强龙卷通常伴随着旋转速度超过20 m·s-1的低层中气旋、超过40 m·s-1的TVS速度差。
Abstract:Based on tornado data from the China Meteorological Disaster Encyclopedia (Guangdong Volume)(1959-2000), Guangdong Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Yearbook (2002-2022) and record of on-site disaster investigation of tornadoes in recent years, conventional observations and ERA5 high-resolution reanalysis data, as well as the data from Guangdong Doppler weather radar (2006-2022), we analyze the spatio-temporal distribution and weather background of tornadoes in Guangdong from 1961 to 2022, as well as the morphology of tornado convective storms since 2006. The results are as follows.In the past 62 years, Guangdong has recorded a total of 225 tornadoes. Since 2006 when multiple sources of observation data are relatively complete, about 6 tornadoes have occurred annually. About 50% of tornadoes occurred in the background of tropical cyclone weather, followed by 40% of tornadoes in the westerly weather system, and about 10% of tornadoes were tropical disturbance tornadoes. However, the number of tornadoes fluctuated greatly year by year, up to 17 in 2008. In some years, there was only one tornado or no tornadoes recorded. In general, tornadoes in Guangdong mainly occur from April to September. From April to June, they are mainly westerly tornadoes and from July to September, mainly tropical cyclone tornadoes and tropical disturbance tornadoes. About 85% of tornadoes occur between 06:00-20:00 BT, with the highest occurrence between 14:00-18:00 BT, accounting for about 40%. Tornadoes occur most frequently in the Pearl River Delta, Leizhou Peninsula and Chaoshan Plain. There are few tornadoes in the northern mountainous areas. Foshan, Zhanjiang and Guangzhou are the cities with the highest frequency of tornadoes. About 54% of convective systems generating tornadoes in Guangdong are banded convective systems, which are tropical cyclone tornado parent storms and tropical disturbance tornado parent storms. The storm structures exhibit low centroid characteristics. About 36% are multi-cell storm systems, most of which are westerly tornado parent storms. Different from the tornadoes in the United States that tend to occur in discrete cells and quasi-linear convective systems, the relative frequencies of discrete convection cell and quasi-linear convective systems generating tornadoes in Guangdong are very low, both about 5%. They are the parent storms of the tornadoes in the westerly and their storm structures often show the characteristics of high centroid. More than 90% of tornado mesoscale parent storms have low-level mesocyclones, but only about 47% of the tornado parent storms are accompanied by low-level tornado vortex signature (TVS). Strong tornadoes are typically characterized by low-level mesocyclones with rotational speeds exceeding 20 m·s-1 and TVS velocity differences exceeding 40 m·s-1 .
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HUANG Xianxiang,YAN Lijun,BAI Lanqiang,ZHI Jiangling,ZHANG Jingjing,LI Zhaoming,2024.Spatio-Temporal Distribution of Guangdong Tornadoes and Characteristics of Radar Echoes of Parent Storms[J].Meteor Mon,50(7):804-817.