(内蒙古自治区气象台,呼和浩特 010051; 中国气象科学研究院灾害天气国家重点实验室,北京100081)
Experiments and Verification on Doppler Radar Network Wind Fields Retrieved by the IVAP Method
YAO Xiaojuan,SUN Xin,JI Yanxia,LIU Linchun,MENG Xuefeng
(Inner Mongolia Meteorological Observatory, Huhhot 010051; State Key Laboratory of Severe Weather, Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, Beijing 100081)
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投稿时间:2023-05-19    修订日期:2024-07-08
中文摘要: 风场观测资料在天气研究和预报中有着举足轻重的作用。基于按方位角均匀假定反演关系进行二维风场反演的积分速度方位处理技术(IVAP)具有较好的兼容性并易于实现。文章选取2020年7—8月的大范围降水过程,采用IVAP法进行组网雷达风场反演,并以秒探空作为参考对反演风场进行质量评估和分析。结果表明:反演风场与探空风场之间具有较高的相关性,随高度升高,反演风向的质量和稳定性要优于反演风速;在降水区反演风场的质量最好,垂直廓线稳定性最好;晴空区反演风场误差最大,4 km以上波动性变大、反演质量显著降低。进一步分析2019年7月6日一次分散性降水过程的雷达反演结果,发现反演风场能够合理地再现出高层风场的涡旋结构、切变线等动力场特征。研究表明,在单雷达风场反演的基础上,可基于IVAP法建立组网雷达风场反演,该方法在实际业务中有较好的应用前景,可以更好地为天气预报服务以及风场资料同化提供依据。
Abstract:Wind observation data are very important in weather research and forecasting. The IVAP technique, which is based on the azimuth uniform assumption retrieval relationship, offers good compatibility and practical simplicity for 2-D wind field retrieval. In this paper, the large-scale precipitation events from July to August 2020 are selected, and the wind fields from the Doppler radar network are retrieved by the IVAP method. At the same time, the quality of the retrieved wind fields is evaluated and analyzed with the seconds-sounding data as a reference. The results indicate that the retrieved wind fields of Doppler radar network have a high correlation with the sounding data, and the quality of wind direction data is better than the wind speed data with altitude rising. The quality of the retrieved winds is better in precipitation areas than in the non-precipitation areas. Moreover, the quality of wind field and the stability of vertical profile are the best in precipitation areas, but the quality of the retrieved winds is the worst in clear sky areas, especially when the altitude is higher than 4 km. The retrieved winds of a scattered precipitation process on 6 July 2019 are further analyzed, which demonstrates that the retrieved wind field can reasonably reproduce the dynamic field characteristics such as vortex structure and shear line of the upper wind field. This study shows that based on the single Doppler radar wind field retrieval, the IVAP method has the ability to retrieve wind fields of Doppler radar network, so the method will have a good application prospect in practical operations, and can provide a better basis for weather forecasting services and wind data assimilation.
文章编号:     中图分类号:P412    文献标志码:
YAO Xiaojuan,SUN Xin,JI Yanxia,LIU Linchun,MENG Xuefeng,2024.Experiments and Verification on Doppler Radar Network Wind Fields Retrieved by the IVAP Method[J].Meteor Mon,50(11):1386-1396.