(四川省气象台,成都 610072; 高原与盆地暴雨旱涝灾害四川省重点实验室,成都 610072; 成都市气象台,成都 610030)
Environmental Conditions and Radar Echo Characteristics of a Squall Line in Sichuan Basin in Spring 2022
GUO Yunyun,LUO Hui,QING Quan,AN Linli,WEI Wei
(Sichuan Meteorological Observatory, Chengdu 610072; Heavy Rain and Drought Flood Disasters in Plateau and Basin Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province, Chengdu 610072; Chengdu Meteorological Observatory, Chengdu 610030)
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投稿时间:2023-12-31    修订日期:2024-09-15
中文摘要: 2022年4月11日夜间,四川盆地出现一次飑线天气过程,造成安岳12级以上雷暴大风。由于对飑线系统快速发展机理认识不足,大风和短时强降水预报均出现较大偏差。基于多源观测资料和ERA5再分析资料,对该次飑线过程的环流背景、回波演变及对流系统维持消亡原因进行诊断分析。结果表明:飑线发生在500 hPa高空槽前和700 hPa南风急流的耦合区内,高层辐散、低层辐合在飑线形成前显著增强,为风暴发展提供了动力条件;盆地中南部具有超过1000 J·kg-1的对流有效位能,大于15 m·s-1的深层和浅层垂直风切变,代表站3.8 km高度的湿球0℃层和7 km高度的-20℃层,达6.88℃·km-1的垂直温度递减率,探空廓线的“喇叭口”形态等环境特征,尤其是垂直风切变、中层干层和对流下沉有效位能等环境要素接近或超过统计极值,为飑线的合并发展、强雷暴大风的发生提供了有利的环境条件。飑线北段对流系统受龙泉山脉地形、冷池和地面辐合线共同作用而触发、发展,南段对流系统则主要受低层动力作用抬升发展,两段线状对流系统东移至盆地中部高能高湿地区后,在地面辐合线、强冷池和700 hPa急流的共同作用下,合并增强发展为镶嵌有超级单体和弓形回波的南北向飑线系统。飑线形成前的超级单体风暴和飑线成熟阶段都具有回波悬垂、弱回波区、后侧入流、中层径向辐合等结构特征。对流层中层后侧入流、干夹卷形成的下沉气流使得超级单体风暴和冷池的移速超过其他部分而形成弓形回波,下击暴流产生的大风和地面降水造成的冷池传播速度显著强于0~3 km垂直风切变则是飑线快速消亡的重要原因。
Abstract:A squall line occurred in Sichuan Basin on 11 April 2022, causing extreme thunderstorm gale (37.4 m·s-1). Due to the poor understanding of the rapid development mechanism of the squall line, there were large deviations in the forecast of short-time severe rainfall and gale during the squall line process. Based on multi-source observation data and ERA5 reanalysis data, the circulation background and echo evolution as well as the maintenance and extinction of the squall line are analyzed. The results are as follows. The squall line occurred in the mutual coupling area of upper trough at 500 hPa and the southerly jet at 700 hPa. Upper-level divergence and low-level convergence were significantly enhanced before the squall line formed, which provided dynamic conditions for the development of the storm. In the south-central part of Sichuan Basin, the convective available potential energy (CAPE) was greater than 1000 J·kg-1, the deep and shallow vertical wind shears were greater than 15 m·s-1, the height of wet bulb temperature 0℃ was 3.8 km, the height of -20℃ was 7 km, the vertical temperature lapse rate was 6.88℃·km-1 and a “bell mouth” existed in temperature humidity profile below lifting condensation level. Especially, the vertical wind shear, mid-level dry layer and downdraft CAPE approached or exceeded the extreme values, which provided favorable environmental conditions for the merging and development of the squall line and the occurrence of severe thunderstorms and gale. Convections in the northern segment of the squall line were triggered, developing under the combination influence of the terrain of Longquan Mountains, cold pool and surface convergence line. In the south section, convections were uplifted by the dynamic action of the lower level. Due to the 700 hPa jet stream, surface cold pool and convergence line, two sections of linear convection were intensified and merged into a north-south squall line system with super-cell storms and bow echoes when moving eastward to the high energy and humidity areas in central basin. Super-cells before the formation of squall line and the echoes of the mature squall line both had overhang echoes, weak echo zones, rear inflow and mid-level radial convergence. Downdraft formed by the rear inflow and dry curl in the middle troposphere made the supercell storm and cold pool move faster than other parts. Then, a bow echo was formed. Because of the gale of downburst and precipitation, propagation velocity of the cold pool was significantly stronger than the 0-3 km vertical wind shear, which was an important cause for the rapid extinction the squall line.
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基金项目:高原与盆地暴雨旱涝灾害四川省重点实验室科技发展基金项目重点专项(SCQXKJYJXZD202101、SCQXJZD202102 09)、中国气象局复盘总结专项(FPZJ2023 110)、风云卫星应用先行计划(FY APP ZX 2022.0209)、中国气象局创新发展专项(CXFZ2024J013)和国家自然科学基金项目(42105153)共同资助
GUO Yunyun,LUO Hui,QING Quan,AN Linli,WEI Wei,2024.Environmental Conditions and Radar Echo Characteristics of a Squall Line in Sichuan Basin in Spring 2022[J].Meteor Mon,50(12):1480-1494.