(1.国家气象中心,北京 100081;2.新疆哈密地区气象局)
Analyses on Characteristics of Air Temperature Change in Hami, Xinjiang in Recent 45 Years
(1.National Meteorological Center, Beijing 100081;2. Hami Meteorological Office,Xinjiang)
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投稿时间:2007-01-05    修订日期:2007-06-04
中文摘要: 利用1961—2005年近45年哈密地区6个站点的观测资料,分析了该地区的平均气温、平均最 高气温、平均最低气温和平均日较差、炎热日以及寒冷日的年际、年代际的变化特征,同时 对降水、云量等要素也进行了分析,揭示其与哈密地区温度变化的可能关系。结果表明,近4 5年来哈密地区气候显著增暖,平均气温在夏季增暖幅度最大,春季最弱。1990年代以后增暖 趋势表现最明显,21世纪以来增幅最大。与平均气温变化趋势相一致,最高温度和最低温度 也呈显著升高趋势,其中最低温度的升高幅度远大于最高温度和平均气温的升高幅度。哈密 地区近45年平均日较差显著减小,这主要是因为最低气温的升高幅度大于最高气温的升高幅 度。在全球增暖背景下,哈密地区的炎热日数显著增加,而寒冷日数显著减少。个别站的气 温增温不明显,这与局地的降水、云量增加,日照减少有一定关系。此外,哈密地区冬季平 均气温在1980年代中后期有一次明显的突变,突变时间晚于新疆其他地区5~6年左右,表明 气候突变在不同地区会有不同的表现。
中文关键词: 温度变化  突变  日较差
Abstract:Based on the meteorological data from 6 observational stations in Hami, Xinjiang during 1961-2005, characteristics of air temperature, daily range, hot day and cool day were analyzed. In order to find the relationship between the tempe rature and other weather conditions, precipitation and cloud fraction were also discussed. The results show that the temperature has increased remarkably in Ha mi area in recent 45 years, with the most obvious [JP2]warming occurring in sum mer, but the warming trends in spring were weak. The warming was the most re markable after the 1990's, and the largest increase range appeared in recent yea rs of the 21st century. Similar to the average temperature, the maximum and min imum temperature had increasing trends. The reason of obvious decrease in da ily range was that the extent of warming in the minimum temperature is larger th an that of the maximum temperature. Under the global warming background, the hot days were increasing but the cool days decreasing. There was some difference in the warming trends in several stations. The possible reasons of the difference are related to the increasing of the precipitation and cloud fraction and the re ducing sunshine hour. Moreover winter average air temperature of Hami jumped in the 1980's, and the jumping time was 5 to 6 years later than that in the other a rea of Xinjiang. Therefore, there were differences in the climate jump in diffe rent area.
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Ayixiamu·Niyazhi,Zhou Ningfang,Yang Guiming,2007.Analyses on Characteristics of Air Temperature Change in Hami, Xinjiang in Recent 45 Years[J].Meteor Mon,33(7):89-97.