(1.北京市气象台, 北京 100089;2.北京城市气象研究所;3.北京大学物理学院大气科学系)
Climate Character Analysis of Convective Weather During Warm Season (May to September) in Beijing
(1.Beijing Meteorological Observatory, 100089;2.Beijing Institute of Urban Meteorology,CMA;3.Beijing University)
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投稿时间:2007-02-07    修订日期:2007-07-30
中文摘要: 对北京地区最近12年暖季(5—9月)雷暴、冰雹、暴雨和大风等各种对流天气进行了气候统 计和分析。统计结果表明:北京地区暖季发生对流的概率很高,按日数统计的气候概率达47 .77 %,大风、暴雨和冰雹气候概率分别为27.29%、10.84%和6.29%。暴雨多发季节为7月中 旬到8月上旬。冰雹集中于6月中、下旬。在对流天气的地理分布上,北京西北部、东北部山 区及西南部山区多对流天气,中心区和东南部平原地区对流天气较少。暴雨呈西南—东北方 向带状分布,东北部山区、中部和东南部平原地区多发生暴雨,而西北部和西南部山区很少 发生暴雨。山区冰雹明显多于平原。西北部和东北部山区大风偏多。暴雨有明显的夜发性。 冰雹集中发生在午后到傍晚,占冰雹总站次的76.72%。
中文关键词: 对流  气候统计  冰雹  暴雨
Abstract:All kinds of convective weather such as thunder storms, hail, torrential rain an d strong wind during warm season (from May to September) of recent 12 years in B eijing areas were statistically analyzed. It showed that the probability of conv ective weather is high. The climate probability of convection is 47.77% by conve ction days. The climate probabilities of strong wind, torrential rain and hai l are 27.29%, 10.84% and 6.29%,respectively. A majority of torrential rainoccurs from the second ten days of July to the first ten days of August. Howev er, hail commonly occurs in the second and the third ten days of June. The conve ctive weather often geographically occurs in northwest and northeast mountain ar eas and southwest mountain areas of Beijing. Whereas, it seldom occurs in center and southwest plain areas of Beijing. The torrential rain often occurs in northe ast mountain areas, central and southeast plain areas of Beijing, and it seldom occurs in northwest and southwest mountain areas. Mountain areas have more hail t han in the plain areas. Strong winds often occurs in northwest and northeast mou ntain areas. Torrential rain often occurs in the night. Hail of 76.72% occurs in the afternoon.
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基金项目:“十五”国家科技攻关计划课题“奥运气象保障技术研究”(2 002BA904B05)、2002年北京市重大科技计划项目“奥运会气象保障科学技术试验与研究” (H020620190091)和“十五”国家科技攻关计划课题奥运科技专项“北京奥运会国际天气 预报示范计划关键技术研究”(2003BA904B08)共同资助
Ding Qinglan,Wang Ling,Chen Mingxuan,Wang Yingchun,Tao Zuyu,2007.Climate Character Analysis of Convective Weather During Warm Season (May to September) in Beijing[J].Meteor Mon,33(10):37-44.