(1.西藏自治区气候中心,拉萨 850001;2.西藏自治区气象局;3.西藏自治区气象台)
Responses of Climatic Change on Soil Temperature at Shallow Layers in Lhasa from 1961 to 2005
(1.Tibet Climate Center, Lhasa 850001;2.Tibet Meteorological Bureau;3.Tibet Meteorological Observatory)
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投稿时间:2007-05-10    修订日期:2007-08-06
中文摘要: 利用1961-2005年拉萨0~40cm各层逐月平均地温,采用气候倾向率、累积距平、信噪比等 气候统计方法,研究了近45年拉萨浅层平均地温的变化趋势、气候突变和异常年份等。结果 表明:浅层各季节平均地温均呈现极显著的升高趋势,升温率为0.43~0.60℃/10a,春季最 大,夏季最小。各层年平均地温以0.45~0.66℃/10a的升温率显著上升,40cm深度的升 温率最大,与同时期平均气温的升温率比较,地温比气温对气候变暖的响应更强。20世纪60 年代至90年代浅层年、季平均地温呈明显的逐年代升高趋势,以冬、春季最为明显。20世纪 60年代到80年代中期为偏冷阶段,80年代后期至90年代地温为偏暖阶段。各浅层平均地温在 1986年秋季均发生了突变,冬季突变时间都出现在1984年。年平均地温除在40cm 处1999年 异常偏高外,其它各层为异常偏低年份,且发生在20世纪60年代。气温升高是影响地温上升 的主要原因。
Abstract:The variation trend, abrupt change and anomalous years of annual and seasonal me an soil temperature at shallow layers during the period of 1961-2005 in Lhasa w ere investigated by using modern statistical diagnostic methods such as linear t rend analysis, accumulated variance and signal noise ratio methods. The main res ults are as follows: (1)In terms of linear trend, theseasonal mean soil temperature at shallow layers displayed a significant increas ing trend in Lhasa in past 45 years, and it indicated an increase of (0.43~0.60 ℃)/10a which was maximum in spring, minimum in summer. Also, the annual mean so il temperature at shallow layers had a significant increasing trend, and the ris ing rates were (0.45~0.66℃) /10a, specifically at the depth of 40cm. Compared t o the air temperature, the rising range of soil temperature at 40cm was larger i n the same period. (2) The inter decadal variations of the annual and seasonal m ean soil temperature in the shallow layers had an obvious increasing tendency fr om 1960s to 1990s, especially in winter and spring. The mean soil temperat ure was colder from 1960s to the middle of 1980s, but it was warmer from the end of 1980s to 1990s. (3) The abrupt change of mean soil temperature at di fferent shallow layers occurred in autumn of 1986, and all the abrupt change of winter appeared in 1984.(4) Except for the annual mean soil temperature at 40cm was anomalously high in 1999, anomalous lower years occurred in the 1960s at the other shallow layers. Therefore, the increase of the soil temperat ure was mainly caused by the significant increase of air temperature.
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基金项目:中国气象局《西部五省区气候变化与生态环境评估业务系统》子项目《 西藏区树木年轮资料网建设》资助
Du Jun,Li Chun,Liao Jian,Lhak Pa,Lu Hongya,2007.Responses of Climatic Change on Soil Temperature at Shallow Layers in Lhasa from 1961 to 2005[J].Meteor Mon,33(10):61-67.