Application of the Ground based GPS/PW Data to Investigate the “7·10" Heavy Rainfall Event in Beijing
(1.Institute of Urban Meteorology, CMA, Beijing 100089;2. The National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder CO.80301, USA)
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投稿时间:2007-08-01    修订日期:2007-10-10
中文摘要: 利用2004年7月9—11日北京房山地基GPS探测网逐30分钟柱积分水汽总量(PW,Precipitabl e Water Vapor)资料,通过分析和数值模拟研究了北京2004年7月10日暴雨天气过程。观测 分析表明:地基GPS测站上空水汽总量值的时间变化趋势对暴雨的发生、发展以及过程降水 量的分析和预报有一定指示意义。利用NCEP全球预报系统GSF分析场资料作为背景场, 采用12/4km双向两层嵌套WRF模式及其三维变分系统,通过同化7月9日1200 UTC地基GPS水汽 总量等观测资料进行了36小时数值对比试验。数值研究表明:地基GPS水汽总量数据资料的 初值同化明显增强模式初始场湿度,明显提高模式对该暴雨过程降水时段、落区和强度的预 报水平。
中文关键词: 地基GPS  水汽  暴雨  降水预报
Abstract:The precipitable water vapor (PW) data at 30 min intervals are analyzed and ass imilated into the WRF model for the “7·10” Beijing heavy rainfall event that occurred in the period of 9 11 July, 2004. Observational results show that the temporal variation of the GPS/PW is an instructive factor for the analysis and p rediction of this heavy rainfall event. Using the WRF model and its 3D Var system with two way and two nested grids of 12/4km, three 36h numerical experiments are conducted to investigate the impacts of PW with the va riation analyses at 1200 UTC of July 9 as the initial fields. Numerical experime ntal results show that the assimilation of GPS/PW observations significantly hel ps to improve the moisture analysis at the initial time, then helps  to improve forecasts of the location, intensity and evolution of this heavy rainfall event
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基金项目:科技部社会公益类项目(2005DIB3J098),国家自然科学基金 项目(40705009),财政部中央级公益性科研院所基金项目(IUMKY200601),北京区域基金项 目(BRMCCJ200704),中国气象局“京津冀地区地基GPS大气水汽观测资料应用研究”项目 和“地基GPS/MET可降水观测资料在数值预报模式中的应用”项目共同资助
Chu Yanli,Guo Yinghua,Zhang Chaolin,Wang Yingchun,2007.Application of the Ground based GPS/PW Data to Investigate the “7·10" Heavy Rainfall Event in Beijing[J].Meteor Mon,33(12):16-22.