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投稿时间:2007-09-20 修订日期:2007-12-07
投稿时间:2007-09-20 修订日期:2007-12-07
中文摘要: 利用新一代天气雷达制作临近天气预报和灾害性天气警报,必须从天气雷达观测入手。
Abstract:Making nowcasting and severe weather warning by New Generation Weather Radar nee
d to Start from radar observations. Different weather systems must to use diffe
rent methods of radar observations. Different observation methods and different f
orcast objects must to use different process methods of radar data for stressin
g echo characters. Nowcasting and severe weather warning are producted on the bas
is of radar echo analyses. Radar echo analyses need to grasp whole process of ec
ho evolutions. Synoptic systems of impacting local weather are resolved accordin
g to the echo analyses. Severe weathers are distinguished with [JP2]echo charact
ers, future development trends of echo are understood by echo evolutions.
For identified severe weathers with radar echos, signature recognitions and
discerning means are built by the researches and the statistics of radar echoes.
The main nowcasting method is the extrapolation, but the forcast experience is
most important. The conclusion of the nowcasting is drawn by the forecasters bas
ed on their forecast experiences. Nowcasting technological processes needs to be
formulated for better nowcasting and severe weather warning.
keywords: nowcasting CINRAD radar echo
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
作者 | 单位 |
张沛源 | 中国气象科学研究院灾害天气国家重点实验室,北京 100081 |
杨洪平 | 中国气象科学研究院灾害天气国家重点实验室,北京 100081 |
胡绍萍 | 中国气象科学研究院灾害天气国家重点实验室,北京 100081 |
Zhang Peiyuan,Yang Hongping,Hu shaoping,2008.Applications of New Generation Weather Radar to Nowcasting and Warning of Severe Weather[J].Meteor Mon,34(1):3-11.
Zhang Peiyuan,Yang Hongping,Hu shaoping,2008.Applications of New Generation Weather Radar to Nowcasting and Warning of Severe Weather[J].Meteor Mon,34(1):3-11.