(1.北京市气象台,北京 100089;2.中国气象局北京城市气象研究所)
Temporal Spatial Characteristics of Lightning Activity and Lightning Disaster over Beijing
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投稿时间:2007-07-06    修订日期:2007-11-20
中文摘要: 利用1995—2002的LIS/OTD卫星雷电资料(以下称自然雷电)及1995—2005年北京市 18个区县的雷电灾害资料,对北京市自然雷电和雷电灾害的时空分布特征进行对比分析。结 果表明,北京市雷电灾害的日变化与自然雷电的日变化趋势大体一致,两者不一致处主要与 人们的出行生活规律以及电子设备与仪表的启用、关闭等有关。雷电灾害与自然雷电的季节 变化大体一致,春、秋、冬三季较少,夏季较为集中。北京市自然雷电与雷电灾害的区域分 布很不一致。自然雷电较多的北部偏远郊区雷电灾害并不频繁,相反,自然雷电较少的城区 反而是雷电灾害的多发区域。结合北京市各区县的人口和经济资料进一步分析表明:自然雷 电只是北京市雷电灾害的致灾因子之一,北京市雷电灾害的发生还受到人口密度及经济特征 等因素的制约。
中文关键词: 自然雷电  雷电灾害  对比
Abstract:By using 1995 2005 lightning disaster data and 1995 2002 LIS/OTD light ning data over Beijing, a contrast analysis of lightning activity with lightning di saster in temporal and spatial characteristics over Beijing was conducted. Resu lts show that the diurnal variation of lightning activity and lightning disaster is generally agreement. The disagreement might be a result of human behavior an d electrical/magnetical environment. The seasonal variation is also generally a ccordant. In summer, the peak period of lightning disaster is in August, but mos t lightning activity occurs in July. This research also shows that the spatial c haracteristics of lightning activity withlightning disaster are obviously different. There are more lightning act ivities in the north of Beijing but less lightning disasters. By contraries, there are less lightning activities but more lightning disasters over the periphery of the city. Based on the economic and population data of eighteen boroughs, further analy sis shows that lightning activity is only one of reasons which lead to lightning d isasters. The lightning disaster is also related to economic development and popu lation density.
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Guo Hu,Xiong Yajun,Fu Zongyu,Hu Haibo,2008.Temporal Spatial Characteristics of Lightning Activity and Lightning Disaster over Beijing[J].Meteor Mon,34(1):12-17.