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(1.中国科学院大气物理研究所,北京 100029;2.中国气象局国家气象中心)
Large scale Features of the Mei Yu Front Associated with Heavy Rainfall in 2007
(1.Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 1000 29;2.National Meteorological Center)
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投稿时间:2007-12-29    修订日期:2008-01-02
中文摘要: 2007年6—7月在华南、长江中下游以及淮河流域先后出现东西走向静止锋暴雨,引 起粤东和淮河流域洪涝灾害。分析了这3个地区静止锋暴雨的动力学、热力学结构的异同 点。2007年7月引起淮河洪涝的主要强降水是7月8—9日的暴雨,分析了引起这场强暴雨 的大气环流特征以及梅雨锋深厚的锋生过程和气旋生成过程。主要结论为:(1)华南前汛 期降水、长江梅雨期降水以及淮河强降水出现时东西向静止锋在动力学和热力学的结 构相同,可通称为“梅雨锋”。(2)2007年淮河静止锋暴雨的出现,是由于中国东部上空 有深厚高空槽发展,诱导梅雨锋上气旋生成过程和深厚的锋生过程。气旋生成过程和锋生过 程使梅雨锋上出现强烈的上升运动,形成了致洪暴雨。
Abstract:The large scale features of the Mei Yu front assoc iated with heavy rainfall along the Pearl River valley in South China, the Yangt ze River valley and the Huai River valley in 2007 are discussed. During the peri od 1 16 June, the Mei Yu front extended along Pearl River valley with intense rainfall. In th e middle of June with the first westward extension of the subtropical anticyclone in the West Pacific, the Mei Yu front jumped to the Yangtze River where it las ted for nine days. With the second westward extension of the subtropical anticycl one in the end of June, the Mei Yu front jumped to the Huai River valley, where it lasted for two weeks and brought about severe floods with great damages. The dynamical and thermodynamic characteristics of the Mei Yufront in the three valleys are compared. It is found that the dynamical and the rmodynamic structures are all the same and we suggest to use the same “Mei Yu front” for the three valleys.  During middle of July there was a disastrous flood in the Huai river valley. The mechanism of the torrential rainf all that brings about the severe flood is discussed in the second part. It is fo und that with the intense develo pment of ridge and trough system along the subtropical jet stream in North China , there was an intense development of a deep trough along 110°E, which induced th e development cyclone genesis and front genesis in the Mei Yu frontal zone fr om 1000 400hPa. With the development of the cyclone genesis and front genesi s along the Mei Yu front, there was rapid upward motion along the front zone ca using intense rainfall along the Mei Yu front.
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Tao Shiyan,Wei Jie,Zhang Xiaoling,2008.Large scale Features of the Mei Yu Front Associated with Heavy Rainfall in 2007[J].Meteor Mon,34(4):3-15.