(国家气象中心,北京 100081)
Analysis about Extreme Weather Events and Their Endangerment of City in 2007
(National Meteorological Center, Beijing 100081)
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投稿时间:2007-10-20    修订日期:2007-12-28
中文摘要: 通过对2007年国内一些主要城市发生的极端天气事件分析,以及与城市建设 历史发展过程中的比较,表明城市气象灾害对城市安全运行的威胁日趋严重。由于极端降水 天气事件的日益增多以及城市本身扩大发展、人口密度不断增加、城市的热岛效应更加明 显等原因,客观上存在易产生剧烈的天气现象和城市承灾能力越来越脆弱等问题。在深入分 析致灾因素、致灾结果中,提出需要解决的城市建设规划、应急管理体制等科学问题,同时 给出了城市防灾减灾的决策建议。
Abstract:By analyzing the extreme weather events occurred in main cities of Chi na in 2007, and comparing with the developing process of city building, it is e xpatiated that the threaten of meteorological disasters to the safe running of c ity is more and more serious. Now some violent weather phenomena often occurred and capability of enduring disasters of big cities is weaker and weaker becaus e the extreme rainfall events are increasing day by day. The developing speed o f city and the population density in big cities are high, which leads to so cal led “city hot island domino effect" more obvious than before. The scientific q uestions to be solved in analyzing the factors and results of disasters are present ed, such as building layout of city and response management system for urgent w eather event. Meanwhile, the suggestion for making decision about how to preven t and reduce disasters in big city is brought forward.
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基金项目:中国气象局 2007年多轨道业务建设项目
Wang Weiguo,Wang Xiurong,2008.Analysis about Extreme Weather Events and Their Endangerment of City in 2007[J].Meteor Mon,34(4):16-21.