(1.中国气象科学研究院,国家灾害天气重点实验室,北京 100081;2.河北省生 态环境检测重点实验室;3.成都信息工程学院;4.中国气象局武汉暴雨研究所)
Analysis on the Consistency of Intensity and Positioning in Four Radars of North China
(1.State Key Laboratory of Severe Weather, Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sci ences, Beijing 100081;2.Hebei Key Laboratory of ecological environment monitoring;3. Chengdu University of Information Technology;4.;5.Institute of Heavy Rain, China Meteorological Administration)
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投稿时间:2008-01-14    修订日期:2008-05-20
中文摘要: 由中国气象科学研究院国家灾害天气重点实验室开发的新一代天气雷达3D组网拼图产品, 目前已经在北京、河北、广东等地投入业务试运行,相对于单部雷达的体扫产品其覆盖范围 更大,使用更为方便,它为新一代天气雷达资料的深度和广度应用以及与其他观测资料的融 合提供了强有力的平台。但是在组网过程中,参与组网的雷达在探测强度和定位上的差异将 在很大程度上影响三维组网的效果。本文以北京、天津、张北、石家庄四部雷达为例,对各 个雷达在定位、回波强度上的一致性情况进行了分析。结果表明:北京、石家庄、天津、张 北雷达探测的回波位置非常一致,在回波强度上相对于其他三部雷达,张北雷达有明显的衰 减。雷达定位与探测强度一致性分析为进一步提高华北区域三维组网的准确性和一致性提供 了良好的支持。
中文关键词: 三维拼图  回波强度  雷达定位
Abstract:The weather radar 3D mosaic products developed by State Key Laboratory of Severe Weather of Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences has put into th e operational trail in Beijing, Hebei and Guangdong province. Compared with one single radar products, the 3D mosaic products have wider coverage in time and sp ace, and they also have provided a powerful platform for application of weather radar products. But in the processing of radar 3D mosaic, the difference of inte nsity and positioning in different radar will greatly influence the effect of 3D mosaic. This article takes Beijing, Tianjin, Zhangbei, Shijiazhuang radar as a n example respectively, analyzes the intensity and localization uniformity among different ra dars. The result indicated that there is greatly consistency of detection positi on in four radars. Compared with Beijing, Shijiazhuang and Tianjin radars, the i ntensity has deep attenuation in Zhangbei radar. The analysis provided a good su pport for the further enhancement in the accuracy and uniformity of 3D mosaic.
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基金项目:河北省生态环境监测实验室开放课题“华北区域新一代天气雷达三维 数字组网及产品处理系统研制”
Zhang Zhiqiang,Liu Liping,Wang Hongyan,XiaoYanjiao,2008.Analysis on the Consistency of Intensity and Positioning in Four Radars of North China[J].Meteor Mon,34(9):22-27.